Chapter Five-Meeting the Matsunos

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Squeezing your eyes shut tightly, you try to block out whoever is trying to wake you from your beloved sleep. Jeez, can't they tell you were sleeping? Who would try to wake you up from this heaven.

Peeking your eyes open slightly, you see the familiar silhouette of your older sister, as they lean their face directly over yours to look down at you, smiling stupidly.

"GWAUHH!!!" In shock, you try to sit up but you end up ramming foreheads with your sister, and the impact makes you howl in pain and curl up in a little painful ball, gripping your throbbing head. Your sister does the same, but she still has that stupid grin plastered on her face.

"Owowo, jeez, for someone who was so worried about me, you'd think you'd be slow to hurt me like that..."

"Agh...well you didn't have to surprise me..."

You don't acknowledge the fact you were so worried last night, since you've become so accustomed to hiding your true feelings. Besides, s/n was back, so your little freak out was a bit irrelevant now anyways.

Slowly sitting up and crossing your legs, you look over at her, rubbing your newly bruised forehead. "You should work on how you wake people's not nice to surprise someone like that when they're sleeping..."

"️Heh, my bad little sis. Just figured you'd appreciate some breakfast." She smirks, "By the way y/n...there's some dude sleeping on our couch...I was told by Granny not to wake him...apparently he's a friend of yours?" She gives you a lopsided grin, probably pleased that she gets to say you have a friend.

Tilting your head slightly in confusion, you gasp when you realize what she's talking about.

Karamatsu was still sleeping on the couch!

Rushing to pull yourself up, you bolt past your chuckling sister and carefully speed down the stairs, heading towards the living room. Skidding to an abrupt halt near the entrance, you slowly peek in and gaze at the couch. There, cuddled halfway under the blanket, was Karamatsu. He was laying on his back, one arm tucked over on his tummy, and the other hanging off the couch. The blanket was only up to the bottom of his torso, and you could see a little bit of skin peeking out from under his shirt. Blushing slightly, you cautiously make your way over, maneuvering to lean slightly over the arm of the couch, so your face was inches above Karamatsu's, gazing down at him curiously. You notice that he is wearing his sunglasses while he sleeps, and the glare from the sunlight peeking into the room from the window reflects off of the glasses and into your eyes, making you squint.

Slowly, as slowly as you can, you reach forwards and gently pull the glasses from his face and then look down at his eyes. They were closed of course, but his sleeping face brought butterflies bubbling around in your stomach. The sunlight shone gently onto his facial features, and his relaxed eyelids were softly closed over his caramel brown eyes. His mouth was slightly opened and you could notice the slight rise and fall of his chest as he breaths. He looked...very peaceful. Did you look peaceful like that when you slept? You kinda hoped so, because it looks pretty nice. Allowing yourself to smile a little, you let out a small chuckle.

Not a second after you chuckle, Karamatsu's eyes snap open. You stare back at Karamatsu's widened eyes, and a blush creeps up your neck and face, and you let out a loud, surprised screech, still holding onto those sunglasses you had removed from your friend's face a moment before.



Karamatsu screeches in return and he sits up rapidly, doing the same as you did before, and bashes his forehead into yours. Letting out a pained hiss you fall backwards and lay on your back with your knees bent, and you stifle tears as the pain throbs throughout your whole head now. Keeping your eyes shut tightly, you hiss through your teeth and roll onto your side, curling up in that little ball again. That really sucked, getting bashed in the head twice within a 10 minute timespan.

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