Chapter Eight-Time With You is Precious

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Trigger warning: anxiety attacks

Two strong arms were wrapped around your shoulders as you nuzzled closer to the body that was holding you. Peeking your eyes open, you look up and see Karamatsu's peaceful face sleeping close to you. Letting a small smile cross your face, you melt into the warm embrace and bury your face in his chest. This was nice. Karamatsu had accepted your feelings and you had accepted you. That's all you could ever want, and it made you so extremely happy.

You breathed in his warm, comforting scent and sighed contently as you felt him stretch and slowly rub your back. The sensation sent a shiver down your spine and made you happily curl up closer. You tensed up when you heard a low rumbling sound coming from Kara's chest, but eased up a bit when you realized it was just him chuckling.

"My little Y/n-chan, you are so silly~"  he smiled and you looked up at him seeing his glowing, sparkling eyes as they gazed at you with love. You felt his gentle hand move up and kindly brush your hair behind your ear, and you felt your face burn as he leans forwards and kisses your forehead. Oh, every time he did that it made you feel all gwauhhh~

Once Kara sees your reaction he smiles and let's out a happy laugh. Sitting up slowly, he still cradles you in his arms, and he looks up at the window, squinting his eyes at the morning light. You squirm in his grasp enough to turn your head halfway and gaze at the morning light. Yeesh, looks like you both slept on the floor. It felt kind of rude to make Kara sleep on the floor like that, without even a blanket, but in your defense you both slept on the floor, and honestly it was still the second best sleep you've ever had. Still, you hoped Kara was okay with it...

Seeing the sparkle in his eyes made you ease up and smile a little. He seemed happy enough as it is. Looking down at you, you and Kara lock eyes, and for some reason, it makes you squeak and turn away with a blush. This only makes him chuckle and pull you closer, hugging you tightly.

"Hehe, K-Kara, I can't breath! L-let go!" You try to wiggle out of his grasp and you manage to break free, and you look up at him with a smile. Your smile slowly fades as you see him staring absently out the window. Did you...say something wrong? Oh no, you messed up didn't you?

"Are we a thing?" Karamatsu turned to you.

Wait what?

"What do you mean a thing?"

"I mean," he huffs a small laugh and scratches the back of his head," I mean are we...d-dating?"

The thought made you both terrified and bubbly with excitement. You didn't how to answer and you cursed yourself for getting all flustered again. Jeez, in case you couldn't tell, when you got flustered, you tended to handle things extremely ungracefully.

"I-I, w-well it would be v-very nice-i mean if you want, I uh, y-yes I'd like that v-very much!!" You felt your face heat up and burn like fire, but your hoodie was on the other side of the room, leaving you in jeans and a tank top, and since you few flustered as fuck and wanted to hide your  face, you do the first thing that comes to mind and bury it in Kara's chest. You heard the low rumble again as he chuckles and you glance up and see he has a light blush as well. Cupping your face gently, he once again kisses your forehead, and traces his lips down to your cheek, giving you little butterfly kisses along the tender skin.

Shivering from the contact, you let your eyes flutter closed as he buries his face in the crook of your neck and kisses your skin once, softly but hesitantly. Watching as he pulls back, you notice a blush growing on his face, with a little fear in his eyes. It made you feel special that whenever he touched you, or kissed you, he did it with such care, like he was afraid he was going to break you or something.

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