Bad Blood ~Chapter 1~

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Bad Blood ~Chapter 1~

Rain pattered down on the window, and the sky rumbled just before it lit up and then returned to the darkness. It was three in the morning and Ella couldn't sleep. Every time she closed her eyes, she could see him. Lying on the ground, in a pool of his own blood. She could see herself kneeling beside him, begging him not to leave her again. Begging for him to come back as his heart gave one final beat.

Ella's nightmares were no better. He would always die, and no matter what she did, she could never save him. She didn't know him, but Ella felt like she was connected to him. Ella had been dreaming of this man since she was eight, and from the very first dream, she had been in love with him.

For all she knew, the man of her dreams might not even exist, but even when she argued the point with herself, her heart would always win. He was real and she didnt know it, but he was always watching.

He saw her looking out her window, to where he was standing. He made no effort to move, she wouldn't be able to see him in this storm, not yet at least.

It hurt him so much to just stand there and watch her cry, without being able to hold her in his arms until she felt better.

Not yet, he thought. Just a few more months. Then you can hold her all you want.

A bolt of lightning lit up the sky, but he didn't notice it. He was to busy watching as her bright green eyes dulled and filled with tears again. She'd had another nightmare about him. That's the only time she ever cries. She never cried for the death of her family or friends, but every night, when she would go to sleep, he would die in her arms. She only cried for him, but he didn't want to see her cry. He wanted to see her smile, but she hadn't done that for years. She had forgotten how. He felt horrible and sick in his stomach when he thought about her seeing and living his death, over and over again. It hadn't happened yet, but it would. He knew it would...

Ella was glad that the school had burnt down, and that she didnt have to go to school for the rest of the year. It meant she could stay in her room all day and think about him. She could cry if she wanted to, and no one would see her. Her parents wouldn't check up on her, because they didn't care anymore. She didn't have to worry about any brothers or sisters annoying her, because her sister, Skye, had run away years ago, and she had never been found.

A year after Skye ran away, everyone stopped looking for her and Ella's parents stopped talking to her. They thought that Ella was responsible for losing Skye.

It wasn't my fault! Skye thought angrily. It wasn't my fault that we fought just before she disappeared. It wasn't my fault that we fought over her secret boyfriend and it wasn't my fault that she ran away with him!

Ella's anger got the best of her and when she looked around her room, everything was destroyed. Her desk was turned over, and it had smashed her mirror in the process. The blankets on her double bed were shredded, and her mattress was too. Everything was broken, torn or cut. Ella looked down at her hand and saw a knife in her hand. She looked at her arms, through her teary eyes. They were covered in blood. Her blood, just like every other time.

Ella didn't feel the pain of her cuts anymore. When she cut herself, she felt sadness, regret and loneliness and pain, but the pain was her own, not pain from the stinging and bleeding cut.

Feeling the pain is better than feeling nothing at all, she thought silently.

Both of Ella's arms were covered in cuts, scratches and bruises, that she had given herself, just so that she would feel something...anything, besides emptiness.

Ella collapsed onto the floor, crying and bleeding. She felt alone, lost and scared. She wasn't afraid for herself, she was afraid for the man in her dreams. What if he was dead, and she didn't even get the chance to save him?

I'll die to...she thought before she fell into deep darkness.

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