Bad Blood ~Chapter 3~

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Bad Blood ~Chapter 3~

He didn't see the wolves as they surrounded her, or the storm as it approached. It was her and only her. He could see her jet black hair, and her light hazel eyes. If he took a few steps foward, he'd be able to touch her. As he began to lean foward, aching to touch her, a scream filled his ears and snapped him out of his dream-like trance.

He finally saw the wolves as they pounced on Ella and began tearing at her skin. His anger grew until he couldn't just stand there anymore. He ran, faster than any human could, straight towards her. He didn't let anything stand in his way. Wolves yelped as they flew through the air, but he didn't hear them, or feel their powerful teeth as they ripped through his legs. All he felt, all he saw, was her pain. The pain he had to stop. He had to save her, if it was the last thing he ever did...

Hours had passed since he had saved Ella, or had it been days? She couldn't remember. All she knew, was that he had saved her from the bloodthirsty wolves. He was real. The man of her dreams was real!

Ella had never seen his face, even in her dreams. She only ever saw his body and his blood mixed with hers. She often saw their tears mixed in as one, but she never saw his face.

Ella didn't know why the wolves had attacked her, or why he had disappeared as soon as she was back in her room. Every time she thought about it, it felt as if someone had sliced through her heart. Her eyes didn't cry for him, but her heart and soul were drowned in sorrow. Ella could still feel him, but she stayed quiet, and much to her disappointment, so did he.

Many more hours passed and Ella became restless. She couldn't stand up, because her legs were badly torn and her energy was gone. She could still feel him, sitting on the tree outside her window, but he hadn't said a word. He just..sat there, watching her.

This isn't fair! She growled.

What isn't fair? His voice filled her mind and calmed her down almost instantly.

You can see me, but I can't see you, and I'm stuck here, with nothing to do. Why won't you talk to me? She thought, feeling close to tears.

I thought you wanted to be alone...he sounded sad, and it pained Ella to hear him talk or whatever it was that they were doing.

I've never wanted to be alone...she thought sadly, and tears began to roll down her cheeks. Ella put her hands over her eyes and closed them, wishing for the pain to stop but just like every other never did...

He knew he'd regret this, but he couldn't stand it any longer. He'd sat out here every night for the past nine years, watching her, making sure she was safe, and he just couldn't do it anymore. He needed to touch her, to hold her and most of all..he needed to take her pain away, before it tainted her soul and blackened her heart...forever.

Slowly, he stood up and jumped, off the tree branch and through Ella's window, into her room. It was still dark outside and there were no lights on, but he could still see her, lying there in tears, not knowing what to do. It hurt him so much to see her like that, and without knowing it, he began to walk forward, until he was standing next to her bed. He sat down carefully on the edge and reached up to pull her hands away from her eyes.

Ella felt his strong hands as they gently pulled her hands away from her eyes. Her body automatically relaxed as soon as he touched her and she didn't fight it. She wanted to see him, she wanted him to hold her. She needed him. Almost as soon as she opened her eyes, he covered them with his hands.

"I'm not supposed to be this close to you," he whispered.

"But you are..why can't I see you?" Ella asked quietly.

"You aren't allowed to see me until the night of your eighteenth birthday. I'm not meant to be here either, but I cant..."

"Stay away from you any longer," She finished for him and she felt him smile. She smiled too, even though she didn't know how. Ella had forgotten how to smile years ago, she couldn't even remember the last time she had smiled, before tonight.

"If I take my hand away, promise me that you'll keep your eyes closed?" He asked.

"I promise."

He took his hand away. And even though Ella wanted to look, she kept her eyes closed, just so that he would stay with her a little longer.

"I can't see where you are," Ella said softly.

"Use your mind, my girl," he whispered back. Ella thought for a moment and she knew he was very close to her. She didn't completely trust her mind, so she moved slowly.

Ella reached out and touched his stomach. She even smiled a little when she felt his muscles quiver under her hand. She heard his breathing quicken and she wanted to open her eyes so badly, but she was afraid he'd disappear if she did.

Ella slowly began moving her hand up his chest, and stopped at his heart.

"You heart.."

"Is going to beat out of my chest if you keep touching me so slowly," he tried to laugh, but he was almost panting. Ella tried her hardest to stop from laughing. His arms wrapped around her waist and pulled her up gently, until she was sitting. She felt him move closer and she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Can I open my eyes?" Ella whispered. She could tell he was arguing with himself, but all she could do is wait.

Eventually, he moved foward and kissed her cheek. Ella's breath caught in her throat and her arms tightened around his neck.

"You have to keep them closed," he whispered in her ear and without meaning to, she shivered. He smiled and rested his forehead against hers.

"Go to sleep, my girl."

"But I'm afraid that you won't be there when I wake up," Ella whispered.

"I'll always be here," he whispered back and laid her down, then slowly climbed in behind her and wrapped his arm around her waist. "I won't go anywhere until you tell me to."

Ella nodded and cuddled into him, and he played with her hair until she went to sleep...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2011 ⏰

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