slangs and context.

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This goes out to all the petty bitches who can throw all the fucking slangs but can't tag me in it. It's one thing for you to do something and not have the whole story but, to go on to throw slangs and take it out of context is another. I'm going to throw you this really ass scenario. So say if somebody that was like what 2 years below you that was throwing racial slurs or whatever and you came for her after she came for you, came on your page talking mess and then someone else was to view it and not have the whole story that's where I'm coming from. It's one thing for you to feel the way about us doing the things that we're doing but it's another thing to throw things you could have easily came and talked to us like off the bat. You taking it out of context and making it seem like you're the baddest person you making it seem like we did this or we did that. we shouldn't even be doing what we're doing if we're going to do all that. I don't get it but now you got all your little followers and fans whatever you want say, down below in your comments but guess what happened? They were right on our side doing what we was doing. I don't get it how are you going to be like Oh I'm going to post this, I'm a post that but let's take a minute to consider looking at all the shit you did. you saying you tired because you sitting here seeing other people get tired and wants to follow behind them but, I guess that's what fucking happens when you can't be a original ass bitch. This some shit I should make a YouTube video about but I'm not going to do it right now because I'm too tired of this shit right now look I'm going to do it later on. But my one thing I have to say is if you got a problem with something I'm doing bitch first of all you need to look in the fucking mirror and make sure you ain't doing that shit too because you want know what that's called that's called being a fucking hypocrite with your bitch ass and then another thing is you need to check your motherfucking following and make sure they're not behind us doing the same shit. Now I have written like what 300 to 400 words being mad I could write a thousand right now but you know what I'm not in the fucking mood for this bullshit. One thing I have to say if you can throw fucking slangs tag me in it, get screenshots. I don't give a fuck what you doing but make sure you have reasons to back up and I'll bring mine because first of all I'm not going to let nobody sit here and throw racial slurs at me or anybody that I'm friends with and just sit there and take it like no that's not how that goes and then you're like oh they're little kids that don't know better, well apparently they know better to know how to use the word correctly. I'm not with this bitch shit no more so if you got a fucking problem please @ me like bitch @ me like I don't give a fuck who the fuck you think you are I don't give a fuck. bitch @ me if you have a fucking problem my page is @ blksensational bitch fuck with me, fuck with me but I'm not,,, I'm not with this shit.
Fuck around and get your ass smoked.

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