Chapter one

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I caught my bombshell of a little brother as he launched himself at me, and smiled. He beamed at me, wrapping his little arms around my neck and clutching me tight.

"Did you have a fun playtime with Kiba, Naruto?" he nodded his head vigourously, and I was certain it might roll off of his shoulders. He was only five, making me twelve, and a Chunin, having been out of the Academy for a year now, and taken the Chunin exams with my team in the same year. My team had been pretty miffed about that though; I had been the only one to make Chunin. They were both quite... obnoxious, though in different ways to each other, so I enjoyed rubbing it in their faces. Because I'm mean like that.

But my goal is to become an ANBU, and protect my family, so I can't afford any slip-ups, can I? Although I admit, my life hasn't exactly ran smoothly. I failed the Graduation exam twice, and was the weak link in my Genin team for a long time, so I'm glad to have finally pulled ahead and put my gift and my brain to good use.

"Yeah! We saw Sasuke an' his Onii-san at the park that Hana-chan took us to, an' he played ninja with us!" I shifted him onto my back, and he kicked his legs happily.

"Man, Kaoru, your little brother's so well behaved!" I looked up and my eyes met Hana's. She had been in my class at the Academy, and was a good friend. "I wish Kiba had his manners."

I smiled wryly, reaching back to ruffle Naruto's hair, making him scowl. "Yeah."

"Nee-chan! I'm not a dog!" Naruto swatted my hand away, and I chuckled. Hana smiled, raising an eyebrow, and I saw Kiba standing behind her leg, staring up at me. He was always really shy around me, for some reason that I couldn't quite decipher. I think he had a bit of a crush on me, which I found quite sweet. He is very cute. I gave him a smile, and he blushed, then grinned back.

"Well anyway, we best be getting back. Thank you for looking after Naruto, Hana." she smiled, waving it off.

"It's cool. You'd do the same for me." I smiled and nodded, then nudged Naruto.

"Say bye to Kiba, Naruto." he grinned, and waved hyperly over my shoulder.

"Byeee Kibaa!!" he yelled, right in my ear, and I winced, but smiled.

"Bye Naruto!" Kiba grinned and waved back. The two were still waving by the time I was halfway down the road, until Hana eventually grew impatient and pulled Kiba inside. I chuckled; that girl had so little patience. She did really care for Kiba though, I could feel it.

The happiness and excitement radiating off of Naruto was nice, and made me feel energized. It was a nice break from the constant stoic attitudes of those other chunin I was helping on that escort. Oh, and don't forget the snobbish, bossy attitude of the escortee. Her bad aura was giving me a headache, so the light, relaxed atmosphere that my little brother radiated was nice.

At times, though, it could grow rather tiring. His constant energy wore me out, so I occasionally dumped him on whoever would take him (usually the Hokage or Hana) and go find the peacemaker of my existence. Itachi.

His lack of emotions was relaxing, since I can feel any emotion within a certain radius, so he was sort of my sanctuary. Plus, if an emotion is particularly strong, it rubs off on me, too. That's why I hate conflict. Other people's hurt and anger effects me, making me hurt or angry too, for no reason. And there is nothing more frustrating than fruitless anger.

I do remember, a long time ago, over five years I think, when my mother, Uzumaki Kushina, was alive, and was pregnant with Naruto. I must have been about seven at the time, and had asked if I could feel the baby. Such pride and happiness radiated off of her, that I started crying, just as she was. It had made perfect sense to me at the time; if my mother was crying then why shouldn't I? But then I had figured out that it was more than that. And that it was loosely related to the seal on my forehead, that I cover with my headband.

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