Chapter Ten

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For those of you who have read my Kiba love story, you'll recognise this new character. Hahaha, it's the girl who everyone loves to hate!! Wait and see!! xD


I sighed heavily through my nose, and stared at the white ceiling. It was five days since I had been brought to the hospital, and three days since I found out that Itachi was dating somebody, both of which were weighing me down.

This hospital room was growing extremely dull... not that it was interesting before, but still. I wanted to go outside! But I wasn't allowed. Ugh.

There was a knock on the door, but I didn't bother to get up. "Come in."

The door slid open and a familiar figure made me sit up quickly. "I-Itachi!"

The happiness in my eyes dimmed as another person came through the door, with honey blonde hair and bright blue eyes. "And a friend..."

I folded my arms and eyed her suspiciously, but she just grinned, seemingly unaffected by my cold attitude.

"Kaoru-chan, this is-"

"Hey, I'm Haruhi! You must be Kaoru-san, huh? Nice to meet you! I'm Itachi's girlfriend!" so I was right.

This is what he rejected me for? Seriously? A dumb blonde who acted like some sort of crack-addicted cheerleader?!

My fingers tightened around my upper arm. I couldn't show Itachi how much this affected me. I couldn't appear weak in front of him. "Oh, okay. Nice to meet you too." I said stiffly, then winced and forced my voice softer, "Um, so, can I help you with something?"

She shrugged, and I noticed the way she clung to Itachi's arm and fought not to punch her. "Ita-kun just wanted to come see you for some reason. So I came too!"

I looked to Itachi with narrowed eyes. He avoided my gaze, looking extremely uncomfortable and kind of embarassed. My guess was that it was the 'Ita-kun' nickname... ugh...

It was official. Itachi's girlfriend... I hated her. She was too... perky and preppy, and from the way she acted, even if there were a thousand of her, they still wouldn't have a single brain cell between them.

But then again, I would hate her no matter what her personality.

Sigh... the workings of a jealous woman's mind...

As much as I wanted to screech at her "YOU SICKEN ME!! GET OUT!!", I soon couldn't, because something was blocking my airways. I started to cough, and soon couldn't stop it. I covered my mouth with my hand as the shuddering convulsions racked my body and rattled in my chest, and something wet spattered on my hand and on the bed sheets. Blood.

"Quick, Haruhi, get Kaoru-chan some water while I go get a doctor!" Itachi commanded, before running out of the room. Haruhi did as he said with a panicked expression, and I grabbed the glass of water from her and gulped it down greedily. When I looked up, still coughing every now and then, her expression had completely changed.

Her eyes, that had been alive with materialistic happiness before, were now cold, and hard with malice. A hateful sneer curled her expression, and she glared at me angrily. I scowled back at her.


"Listen here, you bitch." she hissed, grabbing the front of my shirt. She was surprisingly strong. "I don't know what you mean to Ita-kun, or what you're planning, but I'm telling you, he's mine. He asked ME to be his girlfriend, not you, so back. Off. Or else."

"I never said I held any feelings for Itachi." I pointed out angrily, and she laughed in cold mockery.

"Ha! Don't try and fool me, I can see that you love him. It's obvious." she sneered, and some of the anger in my expression was replaced by shock.

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