Chapter Eight

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I hung my head as Kuro, Hana and Umi mumbled between themselves to decide my dare. Great.

After a few moments, all three turned to me with evil expressions- all of which told me that they had been waiting for this, that they had been planning something. This whole sleepover... it had been a trap, and I had walked straight into it. The question was, what were they up to?

"Yosh." Kuro grinned evilly, probably looking forward to getting his revenge. "We dare you to... strip down to your underwear and run- or rather hobble- two laps of the field."

I scowled- it was cold outside and pitch black, plus the field was huge, and I had to use crutches to help me walk as it was. But I couldn't exactly refuse, they'd probably make me drink a whole bottle of sake by myself, and who knows how I would behave if I got drunk(er). Although, the slight fuzz the alcohol I had already consumed gave me did make me slightly more willing.

"Fine... you perverts." I muttered, standing up haphazardly. It was obvious that at the very least Kuro was watching me as I undressed. I don't think I've ever been more glad that I have worn nice underwear.

Once I had finished my laps, I came back inside and flopped down on the hay, tossing my crutches to one side, feeling hot but cold at the same time. The laps were nothing; I was ANBU, I should be better than that- it was the cold.

I quickly dressed while laying down, and slight blush clinging to my cheeks at the fact that everyone in that room just saw me in my underwear. Luca seemed unaffected, he had Umi so why should he be, Kuro was practically drooling, and Itachi seemed to have averted his gaze. I knew that it was gentlemanly to do so, but I couldn't help but feel slightly disappointed. Did he not find me attractive? Because if he did, surely he would have looked a little bit.

I scooted back into my spot, releasing a sigh. "There. Your perverted neighbour got a good eyeful."

"Y'know, Kaoru-baba, for a grandma, you have a sweet body." Kuro whistled. I growled dangerously, brandishing my fist. He flinched and rose his hands in front of his body.

I just sighed again, and grabbed a sake bottle. It was the only form of liquid available, and I kind of wanted to escape my mind for a while. I cracked it open.

"Kaoru, you don't need to do a forfeit, you did your dare!" Umi said, confused, but Hana stopped her, and grin spreading over her face.

"No... Kaoru-chan's finally going to enjoy herself." she said, and I grinned in a very out-of-character fashion.

"Yes, yes I am."

The bottle span again. So far, Umi, Luca, Kuro and I had all done dares. Only Itachi and Hana hadn't, though of course it could land on anyone. I could even end up having to do another dare.

It rolled slowly, before stopping on Itachi. Kuro, Umi and Hana all nodded, and said together, "We dare you to kiss Kaoru for at least twenty seconds!"

My jaw practically hit the floor. Was this what they were planning?! There was no way they could have all said that without discussing it beforehand!

And Itachi! Itachi looked completely calm! How?!?! I was just about dying of embarassment!

"A-ah, no, Itachi, you don't have to!" I stammered, "E-er, I mean, not that I don't w-want to, er I mean, it's j-just that I-"

"Calm down, Kaoru-chan." Itachi smiled slightly, taking one of my hands that had been waving around in the air. "It's only a kiss. It's not like it means anything, right?"

"Ah, um, okay." I mumbled. I wanted so bad to know what he was thinking, what he was feeling. But the vibe of excitement from the others was overriding anything I could have sensed from him, as weak as his emotions usually were.

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