Chapter two

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"He's North."

Itachi looked at me, and I could see the red glow of his sharingan despite his ANBU mask. He nodded slightly, then we all started running. He was our team captain, after all.

We split to the sides, Itachi and Kuro going right, and Fiore and I taking the left. We usually split into these groups, since Itachi and I were the two sensory-type ninja, while Fiore and Kuro were more force and strength. I was also part of the interrogation core, since I can generally tell when a person is lying, because of my abilities, so I usually handled looking after our captives on the way back to base.

We caught up to the escapee in a matter of minutes, and I heard Itachi's voice through the radio link.

"Attack in three, two, one... now!" we leapt out of our cover, surrounding him instantly, and Fiore used his water-style to bind the man instantly, and remove the scroll he had stolen. It was tossed to Itachi, and he looked it over once in confirmation before rolling it up and tucking it in his kunai holster.

"Target acquired." we all nodded, and Kuro picked up the now unconscious prisoner, tossing him over his shoulder and starting running. I kept focus on the prisoner, so I could take action immediately if he was to wake.

"Ahh, good, I can go home and put my feet up." I said, smiling as I sighed, once we had handed over the criminal. I removed my neko mask, pulling the hairband out of my longish white hair and ruffling it out. I then put my mask back on, for the run. I hated wearing it, but it would be irritating if all of the villagers knew that I was ANBU. I felt a mocking mood emanating from Kuro, and frowned at him. He looked at me, feeling cocky.

"Yeah, you must be tired after all that exercise, Kaoru-baba." I glared at him and he snickered, but it fell when I hit him hard over the back of his head. He fell off of the branch he was on, having lost his footing, and I caught him by his collar, holding him high enough while we ran that he couldn't get down.

"I've told you once and I'll tell you again..." I said, eyes closed to keep my anger under control. "I can't help my hair colour!! So shut up about it!"

He wriggled out of my grip, and saluted me with a cocky smirk, before dashing away. I grunted in irritation, then focused back on my path, making my two other teammates look away quickly, though I could still feel their amusement. I was a force to be reckoned with when I was mad, so they both had better watch out. That damn Kuro..."

"Calm down, Kaoru-chan." Itachi said, smiling easily at me, which I could somehow tell was there despite his mask. I sighed.

"Yeah yeah..." I muttered. I know I have temper issues, but seriously! When you have my little brother, and that baka Kuro, AND a creepy pedophile like Danzo as your boss, you're going to have some issues. Unless you're like Itachi.

Sasuke's a lot better behaved than Naruto though. But still, I cannot see how Itachi manages to stay so calm all the time.

Don't get me wrong, I love Naruto, but...

"Uzumaki-senpai?" I regarded the new-appeared ANBU-rookie tiredly, already knowing why he was summoning me.

"What's he done this time?" I asked, exasperated.

"Iruka-san is trying to handle it, but he needs assistance. It seems Naruto-san has graffitied the Academy building." I sighed, covering my masked face with my hand, using Itachi's calm emotions to my advantage.

"Where is he now?"

"He was last seen in the northern streets." I nodded.

"Okay. I'll find him." I waved a quick goodbye to my fellow ANBU, then took off in a northern direction, searching out Naruto's chakra signature. It took a few minutes, but eventually found him, and headed in that direction.

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