Chapter Seven

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"Kaoru!! Kaoru, open up!!"

I frowned and hopped quickly (still on crutches, yay.) towards the door, unlatching it then pulling it open. But no one was there.

I peered around; I was sure I heard Hana. Probably just my mind playing tricks on me- I had been stuck inside for ages. Because, apparently, 'An ANBU on crutches is dead weight on the battlefield.'. Well, that and the stupid crutches make me fall over more than usual.

Also, it's easier to avoid people this way. I look so pathetic with my cast, it's just embarassing. Especially since Naruto decided to write 'Naruto= best Hokargay evur!' on it while I was sleeping, amongst other things. Usually I would find his creative spelling humourous, but not when it's written on the cast that I'm stuck with for another six weeks.

I turned back around to go back inside, but stopped as I caught sight of something pinned to the door.

I pulled it off, and it was addressed to me, so I flipped it open and read it.


Be at my house at seven for overnight party! And if you bail, you won't get your ANBU mask back~

Love, Hana xxx

I frowned. That's weird. I reached down to my ANBU mask on my belt. I already have my-

My hand grasped air, and I quickly patted around my waist over the belt, but I knew it was no use. When did she take it?

I rolled my eyes and sighed. Looks like I have a party to go to now. I went back inside my house and slammed the door, knowing Hana was watching me from somewhere, and letting her know how pissed I was.

I wonder if I can get a really big sock to cover my cast?


I sighed heavily through my nose as Hana led me to the barn where we would all be sleeping. It was huge, two storeys and huge piles of hay all over. Apparently I was the first there.

It was when we stood in the centre of the barn that Hana rounded on me, "Why have you been avoiding Itachi?"

I blinked, "Huh?" she frowned at me, and just waited for me to speak again. "I haven't been." well, that was a lie. But I was avoiding everyone, not just Itachi.

Hana was still emanating heavy suspicion. "Then where have you been all this time?"

"Home." I answered, still confused, "It's not easy to get around on crutches."

"But apparently Itachi went round yours and knocked and you didn't answer. And don't say you weren't in, 'cause he said he could feel your chakra." Hana pressed, and I rose an eyebrow.

"I was probably sleeping or indisposed- Itachi doesn't exactly have the loudest knock. And anyway, when did you become Itachi's diary?" I asked, and she grinned sheepishly.

"I kinda cornered him like I did you... though he was a lot harder to get information out of." I rolled my eyes at her.

"Heeyyy!!" Hana and I dodged neatly as Umi attempted to glomp us, but instead fell and got a mouthful of straw. ANBU indeed. She pouted up at us, with straw and hay stuck to her face, "You guys are no fun."

I just grinned, then noticed Luca standing off to the side, and nodded to him. "Hey Luca."

"Hey." he wasn't really much of a talker. He never had been, even in the Academy. Though he was the newest addition to our group, since he transfered from Kiri in the last year of the Academy.

"Right! So now, we're only waiting for Itachi and Kuro." Hana announced, and, just like that, the two aforementioned guys appeared. I just waved my greeting to both of them, then folded my arms and sat down in a huge pile of straw. It was actually surprisingly comfortable.

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