Chapter three

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"You can stay here for the night, until you find somewhere. Otou-sama is out on a mission and won't be back for a week, and Okaa-san won't mind." Itachi smiled at me with slight humour, checking to see he hadn't offended me. We both knew that his father despised me with a fierce vigour.

Though whether it was because of how close I was with Itachi, or because my brother hosts the nine-tails.. I don't know.

"Thank you for this, Itachi..." I gave a dim, half smile, and he waved his hands a little, shrugging it off.

"It's fine! It's terrible what happened; I'm happy to help." he opened the front door and held it for me, since I was carrying Naruto. It was late, as we had been at the hospital getting checked over. Naruto was fine, only a few minor burns, and I wasn't too worse off. I had a bad burn on my arm and hand, a bit on my face and neck, and a slight ones on my feet (I had been barefoot but the hospital gave me some nursing shoes), but other than that I was fine, just covered in bandages. I was shaken more than anything, and Naruto was still unconscious, thankfully.

Itachi led me through to a room which must have been Sasuke's, as Sasuke was sitting awake in his bed, probably waiting for his Onii-san to return home. His eyes widened when he saw Naruto and I, but then he smiled.

"Onii-san, are Kaoru-chan and Naruto coming for a sleepover?" he asked in a hushed, yet excited voice. Itachi chuckled.

"Something like that. Naruto's not well, so I've said he can sleep in your bed for tonight, is that okay?" Itachi asked, and Sasuke nodded, pulling the covers back. I smiled at him, and laid Naruto down on the bed. Sasuke gave a determined look. "Don't worry, Kaoru-chan! I'll protect Naruto!"

My eyes widened a tiny bit, before closing in a smile as I straightened up. "Then I leave him in your hands, 'kay, Sasuke-kun?"

He blushed a little, then grinned and nodded. I ruffled his hair, then followed Itachi out of the room.

"You can have my bed, Kaoru-chan." Itachi said, smiling as he looked at me from the corner of his eye. "It's through here."

"I... Itachi, you don't have to give up your bed, it's fine, I'll be okay on the couch-"

He cut me off, shaking his head. "You need your rest, Kaoru-chan, you've had a long, stressful night." his eyes closed in a smile as he continued. "Don't worry about me. Just focus on getting better."

I blushed a little bit, but was glad that the bandages hid it, mostly for my pride. I had never blushed in front of someone, at least, not since becoming ANBU. it just doesn't do.

Without questioning again, I followed Itachi as he led me to his room. He pulled out a large t-shirt and some loose pants from his wardrobe and handed them to me. "Put these on. I'll wash your clothes for you."

I nodded, then waited for him to leave, and did as I was told. I then took my leather belt out of my pants and hung it over the bedpost, and left my katana, kunai pouch and ANBU mask connected to it. I tucked my shoes underneath the bed, leaving me barefoot and allowing the cold air to wash over my still burning skin.

I then went to the door, holding my shirt and pants (it was a wonder how the clothes didn't burn when my skin did, I guess ANBU uniforms are fire-resistant) and slid it open, peeping around it.

"I'll take those now." Itachi's voice made me jump out of my skin, and I could feel his amusement as he watched me. I hit him lightly, irked.

"Don't do that!" I protested, and he just smiled and took my clothes from me. I scowled at him as he walked away, then sighed, placing a hand over my thudding heart.

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