Help/special thx

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Help I need help.

1st... I got another account and it's for younger kids and older teens. But I said help not info.
2nd... I need help cause I don't know what to write on this story anymore. The truth is I don't know if I should continue or end with an epilogue or what ever.
3rd... I'm not happy cause almost everyone is a pancake except one my friend Adorkable_madness  and zoey_008

4th... I give a special thx to my friend Adorkable_madness for giving me ideas. I might go back and make the beginning chapters longer. I also thank her cause she tells me when I leave the search bar at the top.

5th... don't you dare be a panzycake comment and vote. Of not for me... do it for the fans and readers! 

- loopy211

What happened to I will never leave you?(Completed)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat