chapter 41

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Declaration : I don't own KHR ! Akira Amano does!


"Foreign Leangue"



Flashback / dreams


~track of time~


(A/N : well the last chapter, went from 'Normal angle. Now let's see how the 'Tsuna's' angle shall we?)

~After Tsuna passed out~

Tsuna POV

'Ah~ I finally passed out...' I thought as I looked around me. I'm now in the middle of the endless white space.

I find that my body is stiff and so I moved my body, trying to stretch it but then again I felt slight pain when I did that. The pain come on steady state, it hurt but I can endure it.

Then I walked around to explore this place although I doubted that I'll find anything remembering that this (should be) happening inside my mind.

But then I was think it over, when I saw some flames popped out and surrounding me.

Orange flames, Red flames, Blue flames, Purple flames, Green flames, Indigo flames. They came in sequence.

"eum, hello?" I greeted. Well, it was odd to greet some bunch of flames but somehow I feel that I should do that.

"hello!" the orange flame answered much for me to raise my eyebrow. 'did it really just answer?'

Then I can hear chuckles from 'it'. "don't get confused now, master..." it said.

And that just make me even curious, "master? Me?" I asked as I pointed my nose.

The flames flickered then answer in sync. "yes".

"eum... etto... I'm your master, then you're my flames? How can you talk?" I can't hold my self but ask that.

Somehow I can sense these flames moving as if they formed a living people.

The red flame rolled his eyes. (A/N : now let your imagination gone wild~!)

"I can't believe that our master is this stupid kid" he said.

"hey!" I shouted and glared at him (A/N : I'll use word him here, cause it doesn't feel right to call them it)

"it's not my fault for not knowing that! This isn't normaly happening anyway!" I said in a-matter-of-fact tone.

"ma~ calm down now... we did just popped out of nowhere so of course he'll get confused" the blue flame said as I nodded agreing him.

"tch..." the red flame clicked his tongue.

"well? Can anyone explain to me anything? Start with where is this?" I asked at them as I crossing my arm.

"we're now inside your subcounciousness. Or you may said that we're inside your deepest counciousness" The yellow flame said.

I sweatdropped, 'isn't that just the same?'

But then I nodded understand, "now, who are you?" I asked again.

"to put it simple, We, flames, are living things that bonded to every person since they born. So, if that person die, then we also die. Normally, a single person can only hold one type of flames" the Indigo flame explained.

"then how about me? oh and Riku, and Riki?" I asked.

"well, some people can have two type or three at the same time. But you're special" This time the purple flame said.

"how can I be in special case?"

"hm... we don't know..." the green flame answered lazily. I can only sweatdropped.

"well, we really don't know anything about it master, but we can only said that we're not the only flames that living in you" the orange flame said. Then I realized what did he mean. I started to walking forward to that 'thing' and I really did arrived there, the place where the huge orange ball from my last dream is.

"you mean Night flame right?" I said to the orange flame, but eyes still staring at the almost broken huge orange ball. It has crack all over it and some black flames already leaked out.

"not just 'Night'" the orange flame said again, make me narrowing my eyes at him.

"what do you mean?" I asked. But he didn't answer.

"if you want to know, why don't you just asked them?" he said.

"but-" before I said anything more, I've been dragged nearing the seal by the leaked black flame. The contact of it with my skin feels like burning me. My eyes widened as I started to panicked and struggle to let off but no avail, I can only make the movement slower but not stopping it. I don't want to be near it remembering how much the pain when I touch it the last time (A/N : remember the dream that Tsuna saw once?).

"NO! NO! NOOO!" I screamed in horror. "PLEASE HELP ME!"

But the flames just stay still as if letting me to go to the seal.

I really scared cause I can do nothing than scream, my body won't listen to me as if it has been taking over. In the other hand the seal (it's the orange ball) is cracking even more, much likely it will break any second. And it really is. When my finger touch it, it exploded. And now the black flames reached me and invading my body.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!" I screamed as hard as I can feel a VERY painful pain flowing throught my veins. I feel like my body was gonna explode. I can only thought one thing, "am I gonna die?"

The pain got over me, as I started to feel my counciousness fading...

But before I was totally blacked out I fell someone catched me.

My sight was fuzzy but slowly recovering. Once I recovered my sight fully I glanced at who is it.

It was...

It was...

"Mom?" I gasped. Mom smiled at me. (A/N : mom here is Aria)

I can feel my eyes tearing and I don't want to hold it and so... I cry out loud in her embarrace. I let my emotions take over me. I really miss her. I miss her A LOT...

"Sorry for barge into your mind, ne? Tsu-kun..." I turned around to find that angelic voice owner. A young blonde lady is standing in front of me.

I gasped... I never knew that this day will ever come.

She's here...

the one that bring me to live...

The one that I never met since my birth...

My mother...






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