Broken but worth it

7 0 2

Two letters
One syllable
It's all I can manage to say to you as I stare at an empty screen late at night.
When I say this happened over night I mean it.
It snapped
It broke!
This thing, whatever it has turned into,
is broken.

It's old like a dog,
once a cute puppy now shoved around desperate to hold onto life.

The air in our collective lungs pauses between breathes.
I choke while you gasp,
both hurt but one more than the other,
But id rather be the one to die,
because then I could watch you from bellow in hopes of your success. I'm on your side I swear. 

I want to write a poem for you though many have already come from my once touched lips for you. But I want this one to make sence.

This is a love poem
This is a pain poem
This is a regret poem
Though I regret none of this or us!
The regret flows from the wounds of my worthlessness in hopes of showing in a last effort to you that yes, we are broken, but it's worth fixing.

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