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Leigh Anne's POV

I wake up next to Perrie in our clearing. I look over to find my beautiful mate sleeping with her head on top of my back. I look out past the trees and I see that the sun is rising.

This is my favorite place to go to because you can see everything up here. From the spot on the hill you can over look the town, see the sun set and rise, gaze at the stars, and it's a good place to look over our territory.

I slowly get up, I don't want to wake up Perrie just yet. I stretch my legs and look out to where my territory is. It's so empty now because that evil girl, Gráinne, kicked out everyone in my pack.

I'm so thankful go Perrie, without her I have no idea where my pack would be right now. She is the absolute best thing in the world.

Yesterday when I switched bodies with that wicked woman, I remember hearing Perrie crying, but I couldn't open my eyes. After that I remember being blinded by a bright light. When the light dimmed I saw a woman who was radiating heat, she was so beautiful, she had beautiful golden skin, her hair as white as the moon, her eyes were as dark at midnight. On either side of her were two giant wolves, one as white as snow, the other was black like a raven.

"Come child." The woman said to me.

I stand still unable to move, I'm too scared to walk towards her. She seems so powerful, I have no idea what she might do.

"I won't hurt you, I just have something to tell you." She says, smiling while extending her hand to me.

I slowly take it, as our hands touch I'm transported somewhere else. The woman and the wolves are still here, but now they are standing behind me.

"Look down, and experience your future, young one." She says while her hands touch the clouds under our feet, and they immediately clear out of the way.

As I look down I see my wolf standing in a huge mansion. A white wolf, who I presume to be Perrie, because of her distinct black markings, stands closely next to me. She rubs her head against my neck, then five more wolves, smaller than us, sit next to us. There were two completely black wolves, both having a white crescent moon on their heads. While the other two were completely white like Perrie's fur, with a full black moon on their foreheads. But there was one that stood out from the rest, she had white fur, on her left side, and back black fur on her right side. She also had one golden eye, like me, and one blue eye, like Perrie. She had a blue full moon on the crest of her forehead. If there were ever a wolf that took after Perrie and me, it was this wolf.

Perrie and I walk to the balcony that is right in front of us, and we look out to see about a million wolves, all with different color fur. Some of them have a white crescent moon, or full black moon mark on their foreheads.

I look up to see a blue full moon standing out against the clear night sky. I then let out a powerful howl, that I'm sure could be heard for miles. All the other wolves follow suit and we howl at the moon together.

Just like that the vision is gone. I look back up at the woman and her wolves.

"What, was that?!" I asked astonished.

"That, Leigh Anne Pinnock, is your future. You will lead the biggest and most powerful pack there has ever been. You are pure of heart, and you are just in your ways. Through those things, you will unit many packs and take down a great evil that is soon to come." The woman says calmly to me.

"Me? I can hardly finish a romantic movie without crying. I can't unite all those packs!" I begin to feel lightheaded from all this information.

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