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Ryan's POV

    "What are you doing here?"I gasp.

'Who the heck is this?' Aurora asks me.

    'Girl I don't know?!' I look at the brunette girl sitting on My bed.

     'She isn't our mate. There are two different scents I'm smelling and one is hers, the others is our mate's. He was here, for some odd reason.' I look back at the girl.

     "So are you going to tell me why your on my bed or at I going to have to guess." I fold my arms and look at her.

     "I thought this was Amelia's room." She says quietly.

     "No this is Evangeline and my's room Amelia's room is in the basement. Also she isn't here, she went for a run." This girl is weird.

     "Okay thank you." She rushes out of my room and out the front door.

     'So back to what we came here for. Why is our mate's scent in our room?' Aurora asks me.

    I sniff around, but the scent is faint. I follow the scent to the window, as I open it a rush of cold air hits me.

      'He's close!' Aurora howls.

  I stand on the ledge of my window, and I climb up to the roof. Someone is sitting on the edge, with their back facing me.

     My mate, he's just two feet away from me.

     "Umm hey, are you okay?" I ask and she turns around.

       Amelia's POV

   "Hey I've been looking for you, are you okay?" Momma P asks me.

    "I'm fine mom, in fact I'm better than fine, I'm great!" I smile at Momma P and Momma L.

"Why is that honey?" Momma L walks to me.

"I found my mate and she's Isabella!!! The most popular girl in school, is MY mate! Can you believe that?! Me, the smallest girl in school, who only has three friends. And two of them are my sisters!" How is this possible, this must the Moon Goddess' idea of a joke.

    "I'm so happy for you sweet pea!" Momma L engulfs me in a hug, and shortly after Momma P joins.

     "Okay moms I can't breathe." I somehow manage to say.

    Ten minutes after telling moms how I found out that Isabella is my mate, I get a call.

     "Hello?" I don't recognize the number.

    "Hello beautiful." A gorgeous voice speaks through the phone.

     "How did you get this number?" I found myself smiling, and twirling a strand of my hair.

     "I asked you best friend Tricia for it." She says.

      Thank you Tricia!

  "I can't wait to go to school tomorrow." I say, as I still twirl my hair.

     "Oh yeah, why is that?" The raven haired beauty asks me.

    "Because I actually like school believe it or not." I say.

      "Oh I thought you were going to say, because you get to see me, but school is life I guess." She chuckles and I feel my heart beat faster and faster.

      "I mean I am really glad that I get to see you tomorrow." I whisper, as I feel myself blush.

    "I have a lot of homework that I need to finish so I'll talk to you tomorrow." We say our goodbyes and I hang up.

    I get changed into my pajamas, and plug my phone into its charger.


My Mate 😱😱: Sweet dreams beautiful 😉

      Could she be any more amazing?

   My alarm goes off and I slowly get out of bed. I walk over to my closet and decide to put on a pair of high rise skinny jeans and my favorite crop top hoodie, that says 'Just Do It Later'.

    Oh what time is it? I have to hurry and go downstairs for breakfast.

      "Good morning squirt!" The boys greet me.

      "Where are Eva and Ryan?" Momma P asks as she puts down a plate of food in front of me.

    "Eggs, bacon, grits, sausage!" Calvin screams after finishing his food.

      "I like bacon, and I like sausage!" Trevor yells as he puts his plate in the sink.

     I get up and put my plate in the sink as well. Boys, what are you gonna do?

     "Mellie hurry up we're gonna be late." Calvin says while he walks out the door.

      I grab my bag and kiss momma P and momma L goodbye.

     The car ride to school seemed  to go on forever.

     Finally we're at school, I sprint out of the back seat and into the school. As I get out I hear my brother say something to me.

       "Didn't know you didn't like to be seen with us." Trevor chuckles.

       I walk into school and take a deep breathe. She isn't here, where is she?

       I slowly walk to my locker, and I trade a couple of my books.

I can't see anything because someone covers my eyes.

"Guess who." A beautiful raspy voice asks me.

"Mmhh is it... totally hot and talented actor Channing Tatum?" I smirk.

"Nope someone even hotter than him." The voice says.

"There is no one hotter than Channing." The hands move from my eyes and I turn around to see Isabella.

"If that's really how you feel then I think I'll just go." She mocks being hurt and quickly turns on her heels.

I grab her arm and I feel a jolt of electricity run throughout my body. I don't think I can ever get used to that, I don't think I ever want to actually.

She turns around and looks back at me, those beautiful green eyes stare deeply into mine. I feel her hands slip into mine, and my cheeks begin to heat up.

"You're so cute. I'm so glad you're my mate, I've had the biggest crush on you since freshman year." Isabella whispers.

"Really? I thought you liked my brother." I confess.

"Please like I'd like that airhead." She scoffs.

"He is an airhead." I chuckle at her response.

The entrance doors suddenly fly open and two people walk through.

'Is that Eva and Ryan, holding hands?!' Aiyanna says in my head.

     "I guess my sisters have found their mate." I say.

A/N do you guys like that some chapters are about Perrie and Leigh Anne's children? Or do you want my to get back to the Lerrie? Let me know.

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