chapter two

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After what had seemed like hours, Glavan had finished his 'introduction' and dismissed Curtis to show the fellow comrades to their new rooms, as Tabitha unstrapped them slowly, Galavan spoke up again.

"This hear is Curtis," he stated, gesturing his hand over to her just slightly, as she stood up proudly with a smirk across her face, hiding her clipboard's content against her side as she let her arms dangle. "She'll be like your own assistant when your missions take place, she's the eye in the sky, and she'll be showing you around." He stated. "Touch her and it'll be your last glimpse of life, I won't hesitate to kill you, any of you." Theo added on,"You'll listen to her, at all times. Understood?"

All of the inmates began to slightly nod, some of them chuckling a little as Curtis grinned widely like a mad woman. Once she'd seen all off the men, and woman, we're unstrapped, she let Tabitha and Galavan exit the rook before she began to speak herself.

"That's not the last you'll he seeing of Gally there, after I show you to your rooms your coming back down with me for some more rules and info on your 'jobs' here, m'kay?" She said, but didn't really give then a chance to answer as she began taking again,"So, let's go, shall we," she remarked, in a very posh voice as she began to turn on her heel. Though it had brought her to a halt when one of them spoke up, and she was almost certain on who it was.

"Who exactly are you sweetheart? Your here to boss us around and, probably haven't even killed a single fly. I've killed hundreds of women, just like you. I'd watch it," the voice said. When Curtis turned around she saw it came from a plump man, with crazy hair, his smile like a scar in his face.

Curtis chuckled and shook her head,"Questions after. There's lots of things you don't know about me, so shut your idiot face and listen to me. That go's for all of you, who's I'm charge here?" She smiled inoocently, flashing a wink to the man who taunted her. "Oh and honey, watch it, your insecurities are showing. You must be very very scared right now." She grinned, letting out a menacing giggle but stopped in the mile of it, as she turned and began walking. "Follow me loves."

Curtis had shown most of them their rooms, though she knee soon she'd have to walk back and grab them all. The only two left were the girl, Barbara, and the ginger boy she'd taken an instant infatuation to earlier. She stopped in front of another door and glanced down at her notes. "Ahh, Barbara, this is you," she stated, opening the door,"Enjoy," she stated, looking at the fellow blonde.

Barbara leaned over, pressing her lips close to Curtis' ears as she whispered,"Between you and I, us girls have to stick together, just remember that . . . . Jerome is not someone you want to get into with, careful," she said, flashing her a smile and walking into her room, kicking the door shut behind her. Curtis chuckled, smiling back before turning to the last one, the boy.

"Thus, you must be Jerome, aye?" She asked, without even glancing at the clipboard she still held. Her brows knitted upward as she sighed with a sly smile.

Jerome's lips slowly etched into a large smile, as he held his hand out,"Yes, glad you've heard of me, Miss Curtis, the name is Jerome, Jerome Valeska," he said, taking her hand and kissing the top of it gently as he bowed, letting it bounce back down to her side as he stood up straight again.

Curtis, who seemed astonished by the charm smiled widely, like a child on Christmas morning. A small giggle escaped her lips as she pushed a peice of stray hair behind her ear,"Awwwee, your such a charmer, Mistah J, I definatly look forward to working with you," she stated,"Let me show you to your room," she smiled, walling further down the hallway and up a set of stairs. She had purposely chose this room for him, it was just across the upstairs hallway near hers, and above that was Galavan's, she stopped at his door and turned to him.

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