chapter three

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It was unclear how much Curtis had softened up over the fact he stated he wanted to know about her. She seemed to loosen her grip a bit, letting her fists relax as she put on a quick smile and relaxed a bit. "Wellllll, I'm certainly not going to tell you everything. I might like you Mistah J but I definatly ain't gonna' go telling you any secrets." Curtis grimly said, in a sort of sweet tone to loosen the blow. "Those you've aught to find out in your own, if at all," she chuckled darkly, looking at the boy.

Jerome shrugged,"Mm yes, I understand hun'," he stated. Though he knew he'd find out, one way or another he would crack her open like a brief case, and she'd be exposed to him, he'd have her wrapped around his finger.

Curtis nodded, seemingly happy that he understood,"My name is Curtis Cade," she stated with triumph,"Obviously you've known that. Unless your a moron." She laughed,"I'm fifteen." She stated, licking over her lips as she stared at him, taking the time to look him over for a moment before coming back to the situation. "Galavan is sort of my, father I guess you could say." She chuckled,"Course' I've got a real family, they just think I'm out with friends all the damn time, they're a bunch of morons, we're a perfect family, too perfect. I hate it." Curtis said hastily, and she meant it. She hated the way her family was so perfect and happy, and that's why she became the oddball, she needed to break the flawless ice. "Galavan, now he's my real father. I don't care what you've aught' to say about it," she giggled. Staring at him for couple moments again, Curtis smiled innocently and shrugged,"Haven't been put into any shank prison or asylum like that nope." She laughed, paused in the middle of it and looked Jerome dead in the eyes. Her innocent look splashing back to her face, she could act. "and . . . . well, that's all you need to know about me, for now, Mistah J," she laughed dryly,"Now your turn, you, tell me more about you . . . . More then what I already know." She laughed.

Curtis, decided to look into Galavan's files again earlier before they all met in there. She read through everything there was to know about Jerome, everything he had, the police files and all. She knew him inside out, like her own hand, atleast his backstory and where he came from, biologically. Just didn't know about, his persona.

A dark chuckle escaped Jerome's lips as he watched down near his feet, slowly lifting his head up to look at her,"You must know since you haven't told me everything, I will not be telling you rather, Miss," he cackled lowly as he smiled, something that swooped Curtis off her feet. His toothy smile. "You tell me now, what is it that you want to know about me, toot's?" He asked, looking back at her as they both shuffled their way to one of the small windows and staring out it.

Curtis groaned softly to herself at his statement of hiding alot of his own secrets. Even though she ready knew abundance about him. "Well, Mistah' J," she began, grinning wide like a mad women. "It isn't like your completely new to me, I have access to all of your buddies, including you," she smiled, it was true. She knew him inside out, the only thing she didn't know about was his personality. "So beleive me when I say I have the upper hand here," she chuckled.

Jerome rolled his eyes, laughing as he smiled darkly at her,"Oh we'll see about that Miss Curtis," he smiled at her, still focasing in the glint of her eyes, something was off about her, she was hiding things. He was eventually going to find out, even if it took harm to get there.

* * * *

Curtis sat in her room, laying back against her bed with her hand sober her tummy. They all had finished their 'meet and great' dinner about an hour ago, but Curtis decided to just lie in bed, thinking.

Humming a soft tune to herself, she somewhat began to imagine what it would be like to be 'with' Jerome. The thought of it gave her a satisfying shiver. She wanted it. Though she had only known him for maybe a few hours now, something pinged inside her, throbbed, and she wanted to stay near him, in an odd way.

Turning herself over, Curtis puller from her nightstand drawer, a small sheet of paper and pocket knife. Oddly enough, she carved something along the lines of a word into her arm with the knife, as blood dripped down the inside of her arm from the carved cuts. Dipping the end of the knife in blood, she began to scribble something down on the paper with her own blood, causing it to he messy, drippy, and much like something out of a horror movie. It only said:

B - Beloved.♡

B. L. O. O. D. [Jerome Valeska]Where stories live. Discover now