Chapter 3

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"Woo-hoo! There's an island! There's an island! There's an island!" Luffy cheered, dancing with Chopper. Luffy glanced at Nami and he smirked. "See Nami! I told you there would be an island somewhere!" He stood at the edge of the Sunny and started examining the island. "Oooooo and it's huge!"

"Luffy! Put me down!" Chopper said turning bigger.

Nami rolled her eyes. She was sure there was no island around here. To get to the next island it would take about 3 days. Nami glanced at the direction Luffy was looking at. Impossible. It looks strange. It doesn't even look like a normal island. Unless it just popped out of nowhere! Nami thought. She signaled Luffy to turn the ship to that direction. "Alright everyone, we have no idea what kind of island this is. " The crew glanced at Nami listening to her. The last time they weren't prepared, they got stuck on an island because the Sunny had a hole. And they couldn't repair it. So they had to ask one of the villagers to fix it and they said it would take 5 days to fix. It was a huge hole anyways. "And plus we're not prepared." The crew nodded their heads.

"So that means we can't go to that island?" Chopper said.

"It's to risky. Like you said we're not prepared." Usopp said gathering all his pistols.

"But what if they have a lot of supplies we need. We never know." Franky said shrugging.

Robin put down her book and punched Franky in the face. "Baka! What if we die?! We don't even know this island! It's not even part of the map!"

Robin's butt was sticking out so Brook asked, "May I see your panties?"


Nami sighed. The only one who was calm was Zoro. Nami walked towards him and sat beside him. Nami still stared at the island. She still couldn't trust it. "So.." Nami heard a voice. It was Zoro's.

She almost forgot that she was sitting next to him. Nami replied with a 'Hm?'

"Well, what do you think? Should we go? The island does look strange but..." Zoro glanced at Nami. She was still staring at the island.

She was in deep thought and she murmured, "I think I've been here before." Then Nami's eyes widened. She then shook her head and looked at Zoro. Her face was staring right at his and he couldn't help but have a little bit of tinted red on his cheeks. He looked away and went to his normal look.

"You know if you feel like this island is not safe, that's fine. You are the navigator after all. You know everything about the ocean. And we trust you with navigating and all that stuff."

Nami smiled and stood up. Zoro was surprised with the sudden change, but he didn't mind. "Ok everyone we're going to that island!" She pointed to the direction of the strange island.

"WHATTT??!! Are you crazy!!!!" The whole crew yelled. (Except Luffy and Zoro)

"Someone give Nami an ice pack! I think she's sick!" Usopp said yelling to Chopper. Usopp helped Nami to lay down. "It's ok Nami. You'll be fine in no time."

"Ugh! You Baka! I'm not sick!" Nami grabbed Usopp's fist and made him punch himself. "Hmph! That's what you get."



"Uh, Nami. Why didn't you tell us it would be foggy?" Luffy asked. Gosh, Luffy is right. Stupid, Usopp! I could've warned everyone and we would've been prepared. Now it's foggy. Nami thought.

{Nami's P.O.V}

"Uh everyone? Are all of you ok?" All I could here were complaining sounds. "I'm sorry everyone it's my fault. Just.....just stay calm. Try to find the nearest person and hold on tight to them, until you see the sky, ok?" Everyone said yes and did what I said. Alright now I need to find the nearest person. I looked around and found someone, I touched their arm. It felt muscular. But then I accidentally fell on him. My head was on his chest. It was so warm. I was about to get up and say sorry, but instead his arms were wrapped around my waist. "I-I'm s-so...." His grip tighten.

"It's alright. You're safe." His voice sounded familiar but I still couldn't tell. My head was still on his chest. He then whispered something to me. I don't know why but I felt like he was blushing. "C-can we stay like this for a while?" I nodded and I rested my head on his chest.


I then realized I was laying on the ground, when the sun was out. Huh?  "Nami, you didn't find anyone to hold tight on?" Robin helped me up.

"Huh?! I did, but....I don't know why he left me laying on the floor?" I said sadly. I don't why, but I was so sad. It seemed like he really cared for my safety. But psssh! Like I would ever show that side of me to my crew. Then I changed my attitude. "Alright! Who's the one that left me laying on the hard wooden floor?!" The crew was silent. I sighed and walked away. Like he'll ever tell me. I'll never find that person.

{ Anonymous P.O.V}

I sighed. As I saw Nami walk away. It looked like she was disappointed....and so was I. I was just too scared to show her who I was. She could've laughed at me and just reject my heart. If only she knew, that the person who was holding her.....was me.
Hey everyone! I hope you enjoyed Chapter 3. But who was the Anonymous person? Hmmmmm (ΦωΦ What can I say? ()/ You'll get to figure it the end! ¯\_()_/¯ Hehehe. I'm too evil. But for real tho, so sorry. I just want to make the story interesting for all of you. Chapter 4 might be coming a little later. But if a lot of people are starting to read it, my laziness will start developing energy. Don't forget to stay tuned!!!!! () Oh and comment what you think about the story. Thanks!!

- justanimeluv

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