Chapter 26: Epilogue - Part 2

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The mornings were always lively to begin with. It either starts with Luffy and Sanji fighting over the lines of 'I want breakfast!' and 'Piss off and wait, these are for the ladies!' or Usopp and Franky working on a project that then explodes in a matter of seconds or of course, Nami and Zoro's daily bickering. But this particular morning struck an obvious difference. When a story/announcement was told, the crew would be scattered around the deck. But for some odd reason, everyone decided to gather together in a circle. All eyes were on Franky who was thrilled to speak. An irritated frown was thrown around by Nami. Do they really find this interesting? I thought Franky was going to bring me aside to tell me. 

Childish laughter engulfed the moment as Luffy stated, "Zoro put on a pretty funny act yesterday. Whatever Zoro told you must be funny, too. I want another good laugh, shishi!"

With a proud smile, the cyborg replied, "Right you are, Mugiwara! SUPAA right!" He turned to the woman next to her. "That's why I'm also telling everyone else, Nami. You won't be disappointed!"

It wasn't the best reason but she wasn't going to complain. As long as she knew what drunk Zoro willingly answered, she won't be upset. She nodded at him as her approval.

Franky clapped both his hands and rubbed it in excitement. "Ok, minna! Where should we start? Hmm..." 

His sinister grin made Nami wary. Maybe she does mind her crewmates listening in...

"Let's see...Oh! I asked him what he likes about you! Eh....the answer was totally in character though." The shipwright sadly sighed. "I was expecting something like," Suddenly his deep tone resembled Sanji's whenever he'd fawn over a woman. "I like her smile and her personality! I like her hair and she makes me soooo happy!"

"Oi, oi." An unimpressed look painted over Usopp and Luffy's features. "No way, Zoro would say that."

"Right?! All he said was '....her tits I guess.'" 

Nami had to take a pause to take that in. "He said WHAT?!" The navigator was like the blue sky (and literally because of her staff), she can cause chaos in a matter of seconds. Right now, she could struck lightning to all members if she so wished. 

With no luck, Sanji overheard the talk and was more displeased with the comment than Nami, herself. "HUH?! That marimo said that?!" Curses were spat under his breath as he looked around the ship. "Let me find that bastard and kick the shit out of him!"

Usopp rolled his eyes. "Ignore him, Franky! Keep going! What else did he say?"

The cyborg nodded to his curiosity. "Well, of course I had to push for other answers! The boy was all dizzy and was about to pass out but at least I got some entertaining responses. I kept asking specific things like whether he likes her smile, her personality, whatever!" A thought appeared before him that deserved a knee slapper. "Oh man, his cheeks were baby red! Zoro was sooo drunk. Ow! Complaining on and on about why I'm so interested in his woman. Unknowingly he even answered my questions! Saying Nami is great company and he doesn't mind staring at her witchy-self. Talking about the times she yells at him gives him the chance to stare at her closely and how he loves how she sneaks in kisses whenever he naps on deck."

The last part threw her off. "I don't do that!" Her flushed cheeks said otherwise. 

"Lies." Usopp teased under his breath.

With disregard, she didn't acknowledge his comment. Instead, she shifted the conversation somewhere else. "See. It wasn't that interesting, right? Gosh, you all wasted your time." 

"Yeah!" The straw hat yawned in boredom. "That was lame, Franky! It wasn't even funny!"

The sharpshooter wagged his finger like a parent lecturing his child to stop. "Tsk, tsk, you clueless captain. It's not about whether it's funny or not. It's about the information!" Rubbing his chin, Usopp plotted in his head an idea Nami would definitely disapprove. "This is valuable information! Franky got him to say stuff he would never say when he's sober!"

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