Chapter 4

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                   "We're here!" Luffy said jumping off the Sunny and landing on his feet. He took off his sandals and let the sand cover his feet. Luffy sighed happily. "And it looks like a great beach!" Luffy started doing somersaults and cartwheels.

Usopp looked at him confused. "Luffy, what's the point? You can't even swim. How can you enjoy the beach?" Usopp explained and he shrugged. "Well the best part about the beach IS going swimming. I feel bad for you." He started walking away until Luffy grabbed him from his neck.

"DON'T RUIN THIS FOR ME!" Luffy yelled as he choked Usopp. Usopp didn't know to do, so he just dangled there hopeless. Sanji glanced at the two and split them up.

"Calm down you two. Luffy c'mon don't choke Usopp." Sanji said pushing Usopp and Luffy away from each other.

"Yeah Luffy! Don't choke your sniper!" Usopp said throwing his fist in the air. "You'll regret it!"

"That's right Luffy....." Sanji said looking at him then he murmured something. "We don't want to lose anymore of our recruits."

"What did ya say?!" Usopp said chasing after Sanji.

"Hahaha, I'm kidding. I'm kidding!" Sanji said laughing. Nami crossed her arms and spoke up.

"Oi, you two! Stop messing around!" Nami said getting off the Sunny.

Usopp and Sanji both looked at each other and they both pointed at Luffy. "He started it!"

Nami sighed. "Please, don't mess around here. This island can be dangerous." Nami stared at the trees. "It's like I've been here before....."

Zoro observed Nami. Then he stared at a medium sized rock. "It looks like you have been here." Zoro picked up the rock and it had Nami's name on it.

Nami covered her mouth, and gave a shocked look. (I mean honestly, a rock with her name on it. LIKE BOI.) Then she looked back at the trees. It's like she was trying to remember something. "I've been here before." She stayed quiet for a couple of minutes. She glanced at her crew, then she grinned. "I'm going in."

"WHATTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!" The crew was astonished. Luffy and Zoro tried to hold her down.

"You stupid woman! What's wrong with you?!" Zoro said. He was about to grab Nami until Sanji stopped him.

"Oi. Don't go hurting woman." Sanji still grabbed him from his shirt collar.

"Nami!" Luffy whined. "If you're going, we're going too."

"Calm down Luffy. You know how much stronger she got. She can protect herself." Usopp explained tugging him with all his force.

But before Nami heard what they said, she was already gone. "What is she trying to prove!" Zoro said kicking the sand. Robin put her hand on his shoulder.

"This is an island she's familiar with. She's very intelligent. If she knows it's not safe, we could've never landed here." Robin looked at her whole crew. "Let's trust in her." The crew realized she was right. Of course they can trust Nami. But what they're really worried about, is her safety. They nodded their heads and waited for her. The more minutes that pass, the more they got worried. But before they snapped, they were stopped with a scream.

"AAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!" The scream was so familiar. And it matched with Nami's.

"Uh oh. That's Nami." Chopper said worriedly.

That's when the whole crew saw a shadowy figure running towards them. Sanji was ready to kick his ass. Zoro was already holding his katanas. Luffy's arm was twisting so he could use his special move. And Usopp's slingshot was ready so he could hit it with his pistol. "AAAAAAHHHH!!!"

"Don't worry Nami we're here" Luffy stopped. Zoro, Usopp, and Sanji stopped. Then they wore poker faces.

"Hahahahahahahahaha! Stop, stop! Please! You're such a jerk!" Nami said continuing to laugh. The crew saw a tall man with orange hair carrying Nami. And he was.....tickling her. "Stop! Hahahaha!"

The orange haired boy stopped tickling her, but he swayed her around and carried her like a child. "Awww, look at you! You look even more cuter and you're so adorable." Nami pouted.

"Hehehe. Shut up." Nami said giggling. The orange haired boy was almost as tall as Brook. Well at least not that tall. He looked just like Nami but he was a boy. He had the same clothes as Nami. But he was wearing something, like a tang top. But it was the same color as Nami's top. He wore shorts and it was the same color as Nami's. But the strange thing is that they had the EXACT same hair color. Orange was a rare hair color. But Nami and the other boy's hair was the exact type of orange color.

"Psssh, whatever. Don't believe me then. But it's been such a long time! I really missed you!" The boy said hugging her.

The crew was so surprised that they couldn't even speak. All they did was give out confused faces.


Sanji: \(-______-)\

Usopp: ( ・◇・)?

Chopper: ☆~(ゝ。∂)

Franky: (•ิ_•ิ)?

Robin: (◡‿◡✿)

Brook: ('ω`★)

Zoro: ಠ_ಠ

Zoro was pretty mad. He wouldn't say he was jealous, but he was mad. Seeing someone hugging Nami and seeing her enjoying that! That made him so angry. The boy stopped hugging Nami and looked at her crew. "Ooooh, you got yourself the best crew, Luffy!" The boy said smiling at him.

Luffy smiled back but gave a confused look after. He tilted his head and said, "Thanks! But.....what's your name?"

The boy put his hand on his glossy orange hair, putting his hair aside. "The name's Namis. (Na-mis) I'm Nami's childhood friend." (Picture shown above) He smiled and tugged Nami to his side. "She really enjoyed spending time with you guys, huh?" Namis winked and glanced at Nami.

"Shut up!!" Nami shoved him hard with her elbow. She hit him so hard he almost went flying.

He got up, dusted all the dirt on him. "Owwww!" Namis laughed. She shook her head and sighed.

"You could be a total idiot sometimes." She stared at her crew realizing she just left them there. "I'm so sorry guys! Please forgive me!" She looked at Namis and gave him a mad look.

He laughed and looked back at them. "You know.....Nami loves to talk about all of you." He observed them even more. "She's right. You really are strong and pretty cool. Wow. Nami's pretty lucky to have you." He smiled. "Speaking of which....." Namis was holding a bag and gave it to Nami. "He gave this to you for your birthday. Remember that time when he forgot about your birthday? Well he got you something."

Nami looked through the bag and saw clothes. She looked confused. "What do you mean by 'he'?"

He smirked. "Don't you remember?" Nami was in her cute thinking position. The only way to describe her face is that Nami's eyes were sparkling. Namis noticed this and he put his arms around her shoulders. "Well he's here." Before he continued he whispered the rest to Nami. "And he misses you."

Ooooooh! >w<  Who is that guy Namis is talking about? gotta find out on the next chapter! If there error mistakes don't worry I will fix them.^___^ later..... >||||< I hope you really liked it. It was pretty long, huh? I didn't want to disappoint all of you. Anyways please follow me if you want more. And stay tuned!!!!!!

- justanimeluv

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