Chapter 6

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{Namis P.O.V}

As I still laughed I noticed the crew carrying Nami. She was laughing and patting their heads. Wow. It's been a long time since I've seen her like this. I thought. "Hehehe," I heard that sweet giggle again. "Thanks to that giggle," Namis murmured. "I got to be her best friend."


"And then she said, 'Well at least I'm not ugly!' So then I gave her a smirk and said, 'Didn't your mother tell you lying is bad!' I said. I was 13 and I'm the class clown where I live. Everyone loved my jokes and comebacks. That's why no one ever tried to one-up me. I would roast them in a few minutes and BOOM! They got burned!

"OOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!" My whole class screamed. They started laughing and saying, "Never one-up Namis!" I smiled knowing that no one will ever try to one-up me. But........

That's what I thought at first.

"Hey you!" A orange haired girl walked up to me. I was shocked. I wasn't shocked because she was trying to one-up me. I was shocked because she has orange hair just like me. I thought I was the only one in town who has such rare hair. That's when I heard whispers everywhere. A lot of people were saying, 'I thought Namis was the only one with orange hair.'

She finally walked in front of me and asked, "Are you the one who called my friend ugly?" She sounded mad but at the same time she was sweet. I just stood there not knowing what to do. She stared at me with her hands on her waist. "Hmmm?" She said in a sassy tone. I was about to speak up until one of my buds spoke.

"Nami?! What are you doing?! You can't one-up Namis!" My friend Jake said, then he whispered something to Nami. "Remember what I told you." She gave Jake a menacing look and glared at me. She raised an eyebrow.

"So this is the guy you're talking about, huh? Doesn't look like a guy who would insult me. He looks more like a jackass." Nami said and crossed her arms. Namis gave a pissed off look. Did she just insult me. I'm not going to let a girl like her one-up me. I thought. My whole class was shocked.

"Ugh! I have no time for this!" She glared at me once more. "Like I said before, ARE YOU THE ONE WHO CALLED MY FRIEND UGLY!!!" She nearly screamed at my face. Who does this girl think she is!! I snapped my fingers and 2 of my strongest pals came.

"Deal with this girl. I don't have time for this." I let them know who they were dealing with. I signaled them to wait. I waited for her to leave. To be honest I didn't want her to get hurt. So I gave her a chance to leave.

" me a chance huh? And are these suppose to be your strongest friends?" She walked up to both of them and hit them on the head, HARD.

"Wha...! How'd you.....these are my best strong pals! You little......." I was about to insult her but she grabbed me from my shirt collar. I looked at her beautiful brown eyes. I was scared. I was actually scared. I've never seen a girl like this in my life. It looked like she was about to beat me up. I started shaking but at the same time I was blushing. Her face was so close to mine. I closed my eyes shut.

"Pfft!" Huh? I thought to myself. She's laughing. "Kya! Hahahaha...!" She covered her mouth. Then she closed her eyes and smiled. Why is she laughing. "Hahaha! I'm so sorry." She helped me up and dusted me. "It's just, I thought you would punch me or something. But it looks you were scared."  She acted like there was dirt all over me. She wrapped her arms around my neck. My face turned all red.

She gave a huge smile for me and said, "You know, you're not so bad." Nami gave me a hug and left with her friends giggling. I touched the spot where she wrapped her arms around me. I grinned and nodded my head. But before I left, one of Nami's friends said my name. "You and Namis have a lot in common you know." A girl with a ponytail said. "Yeah, you two almost look like a couple!" A brown haired girl said. Nami smiled and said 'Shut up!' But she said something that almost made my heart melt. "He's more like a best friend."

{Flashback ends}

{Normal P.O.V}

Namis was about to join the rest of Nami's friends but someone familiar called him. "Oi! Namis! What's all the ruckus!" A guy with Raven hair and a hat was walking towards him. Namis smirked and said, "There you are. Finally you came. Oh and by the way someone you missed has come back." Nami and her friends noticed Namis was talking to someone. So they glanced at Namis. Before they could ask who he was talking to, their eyes grew WIDE open. Namis smirked and looked at his confused face. "Where have you been...........


Sorry for the short chapter _ But I hope you loved the back story of how Namis met Nami. ('')/ I really loved it. Now, was anyone surprised when it was LAW.


No one, huh? (-_______-;)

Well anyways hope u like this chappy. And don't forget.......stay tuned!!!

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