Chapter 11

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              "Oi! Nami, wake up!" Luffy said shaking her. "You better wake up or else I'll tickle you. Shishi."

Sanji slapped his hand from touching Nami's feet. "Don't touch her like that! Let her sleep!"

"But how are we suppose to have fun?" Namis said staring at Nami's orange hair.

"YOU BAKA! Don't be stupid!" Law said hitting his side.

"You know, she's cute when she sleeps." Robin kissed her on the forehead. "What a cutie." When Sanji and Luffy were about to fight. They heard a few murmurs from the sleepy navigator.

" fluffy...." Nami grabbed Chopper and hugged him like a stuffed animal. Chopper struggled to get out but he felt so comfortable in Nami's arms.

Usopp crossed his arms and sighed. "Sorry Chopper. You know Nami. You can't get out of her arms."

"Yohohoho. Take a picture." Brook said gesturing Franky.

Click! "Got it!" Franky said smiling.

Poke "Luffy! What are you doing!" Sanji yelled. "I told you not to wake her up!"

"" Nami opened her eyes and checked her surroundings. She realized Chopper was sleeping in her arms and her nakama was staring down at her. She smiled and replied. "Sorry. Did I sleep to long? I was pretty tired from our trip here. Don't worry we'll have some fun when I change." As Nami walked away a certain moss head responded.

"Better." Zoro grinned and looked up at her. Nami just smirked and rolled her eyes.

"Ugh!" Nami complained. "I can't even find the right outfit to impress the girl villagers!" Nami looked around and found something appealing. "You know what. Who cares. I'll just wear something casual. Like this!"


After Nami changed into her new outfit, she was about to close the door, until something caught her eyes. "Oh."

"Where is she? Nami said she was just going to change!" Luffy threw a tantrum.

"Give her a break, Luffy. She's a woman. I hear woman take a long time changing." Zoro sat down.

Robin giggled and spoke. "I'm right here you know." She said waving at the swordsmen.

"Oi, Zoro! Go check on Nami!" Luffy said.

"What?! Why me?" He said startled.

"Alright, I'll just go to the kitchen and ask Sanji to get her." Luffy said teasingly. The captain knows how perverted Sanji can get. (If you know what I mean. (;  JK)

A vein popped out of Zoro's head as he said, 'Tsk.' "Fine. I'll get her. Anything but that pervert." Zoro walked away.

Luffy looked back at Robin who was giggling. "Why'd you want me to do that again?" Luffy said in confusion.

Robin smiled. "Don't worry about it."

"Tsk. That idiot. Trying to use that love cook to get her, instead of me. Like that'll ever happen." Zoro said talking to himself. As he reached Nami's door he knocked. "Oi! Nami! What's taking you so long? Come on. We're waiting." Zoro expected a response. But he got nothing. He was worried Nami did something to herself. So he turned the knob and slowly went into Nami's room. "Nami...?"

"EEEKK!" Nami screeched and covered her mouth with a mirror. "Z-zoro?! W-what are you doing here? Can't you guys wait a little longer?" Nami stuttered trying not to make eye contact. But when she tried to, Zoro gave a confused face and said, "Huh?" "C-can you get out please?" She was nervous.

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