Bree was running.
Bree was running from her father, her past, her life..She needed to find a safe place where to stay but above all she had to find Klaus Mikaelson who was also a reason why she was running, the main reason even.. A few days before that moment she found out that Klaus Mikaelson was her real father indeed.
She was glad who she thought was her father wasnt her real father, she had always hated him for his attitude and way of raising his daughter (aka Bree herself).
Knowing that her real father was someone else gave her hope, she would have a better different new life with a better different new family..Or so she hoped, she didnt plan anything about where to meet Klaus, how to meet him or how to tell him 'hey Im your daughter, who I thought my father is actually trying to kill me and my mother isnt doing anything to stop him because she's too scared so yeah, you should help me, please.'
But she was in real grave danger and she was sure that her dad was going to find her sooner or later, she had been on the run for days hiding in motels all around New Orleans and at an old lady's place who had previously explained her what she was, told her the story of her family, she had never believed in supernatural stuff until the first time she turned into a werewolf (scariest night of her life, just saying) so it was kind of difficult for her to really understand the whole story but she did believe it..The opposite was impossible afterwards the transformation and the realisation she could subjugate every magical creature she wanted to..
It turned out that the old lady was also a witch and explained her how to perform magic (she only had time for the basics though but it was enough.)
The old lady whose name was Sylvia gave her directions to Klaus's villa and about an hour later she was there.
She didnt know where her father was and how much time she had left so she decided it was time to meet her family.
She knocked on the door.
Bree had imagined that she and her dad would look alike but when that young man in his mid twenties (?) opened the door and she saw her male older version in front of her she almost screamed.
"And who the hell are you?" Oh. Great. She had a douchebag for a father.
Or maybe he was just pissed off.
Bree decided to believe it was the second option.
"Ehm. Hi, you must be Klaus Mikaelson, Im Bree and I need your help, please, my father, or who I thought was my father is after me and if I dont hide right now he will kill me."
Klaus looked at her in the eyes and tried to subjugate her and asked her if what she just said was true, she couldnt be subjugated but unsure of what to do she just nodded without losing the eye-contact with him which was also pretty easy considering that they were magnetizing.
"Come in." Was all he said.
Klaus Mikaelson was a man with an ice-cold heart and he only cared about himself and his power over everything and everyone but when it came on children being mistreated by their parents Klaus's heart melted and he was gonna do anything possible to protect that child.
Elijah and Rebekah Mikaelson and Hayley Marshall were in the big dining room chit-chatting, rows of subjugated human waiters and waitresses were patiently waited for orders, Bree could smell blood everywhere, and surprise surprise she wasnt disgusted but attracted, she wondered if they were actually drinking it instead of red wine, it was most likely to be blood indeed.
Hayley was pregnant and Bree realized she was a werewolf.
When they saw Bree they stopped talking and got a questioning expression on their faces, of course, a new face was always to be questioned, especially when it came to vampire/werewolf community.
Klaus made her sign to sit down whereever she liked better and introduced her as Bree.
"..Bree, would you like to tell us who you really are and what are you doing here and why we should trust you, please?" Klaus demanded.
"Seems legit..Okay so Im Bree. I just turned 18 and I just found out that my father is not my father, he also found out because my mother told him and now he wants me dead..Im not a human, Im not a vampire, Im not a werewolf, Im not a witch either, Im actually a mix of everything..My mom is a human, my dad is an hybrid, half werewolf and half vampire, he's actually the first of his breed and of course Im talking about you, Niklaus..About 19 years ago you met a girl, Dakota Young, you were in a nightclub and was a party and..things went..well for both of you, it was just a hook up and you never met again but that night was the night I was conceived.."
Bree could expect everything but an hug from everyone was the last thing she thought they'd do.
The Originals, the ones who spread fear everywhere were hugging her.
"you are welcome to stay here, we'll protect you and of course we'll do anything in our power to make sure you'll have a better life."
Klaus attested.
"thats it? you dont want any proof?"
"No. You look so much like me on the outside and inside..What you have to know though is that we are fighting to have the city under our control, you will have to help us."
"Of course, I will do everything I can do."
"dont worry, we'll teach you everything you need to know." Elijah said.
It was the dawn when a voice woke everyone up, Bree recognised it, it was her father, he found her and if it wasnt for Klaus he would have killed her.
Klaus decided that the best way to shut his mouth up was rip off his head.
Bree felt important, no one did anything like that for her.
She signed that day on the calendar and smiled.
A new, better life was starting and she finally found the family she belonged to.
writer's note:
hi guys, this is my very first one shot and my very first story that has vampires, werewolves and witches in it so Im sorry if it turns out to be a mess.
Also, I know this one shot is a little awkward but I promise the following ones will be a lot better.
I love you all,
ila xox
⚜Always and Forever⚜

The Originals|| One Shots
FantasyWhat if Klaus had another daughter he didnt know about? What if she had a witch as a best friend? what if they helped Klaus get New Orleans back? This is a collection of one shots @herrina and I wrote. They are based on the first and second season...