This weird crazy thing called love

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It was 1776 and the Mikaelsons moved to New Orleans in Louisiana it had been a great century for the original family, Bree got finally over the fact that Kol had to sleep for a long while and Elijah got freed from his sleep, Klaus got over the fact that he wouldn't free himself, his daughter and Amy from the curse that kept their wolves nature down. Within a few centuries another doppelgänger would come to life and he'd get another chance, he just had to be patient.
Meanwhile he waited he found an interesting hobby: rule over the delicious New Orleans.
It took them years to get that position, at first they could only live in the city as long as they didn't buy any territory, they lived in hotels and rented houses for decades but after a bloody war they could finally live peacefully and not only. They were rulers over the city and the people that once hated them.
Klaus was very much happy to see witches and werewolves as well as humans bow down to his rules.
Maybe the fact that New Orleans was his made it easier to Bree to forgive him about stabbing her favourite uncles.
Klaus was the king of the city and that made Bree the princess and although she felt like a princess her whole life now that it was official she was out of her mind.
Amy although happy to see that the Mikaelsons were finally having a little well deserved peace was feeling a little lonely.
She missed Klaus. Even when he was around he was way too busy ruling his stupid city to notice her.
After what she called the "Katerina Disaster" she noticed in Klaus something she didn't before.
She knew that the curse he wanted to break brought advantages to him as well she knew that he mostly wanted to break it for Bree.
He would have done anything for Bree, yeah he made mistakes maybe too many mistakes but it was for the sake of his daughter and Amy saw the heart behind those mistakes. He loved Bree like no other father loved his son and that was what she admire the most.
When Bree ran away she followed her because she knew Kol and Elijah didn't deserve to be stabbed, especially not Kol who got stabbed because he was in the way. She also was angry at Klaus but after a while she missed him and started looking for him.
Finding him was easy, she only had to follow the traces of blood.
Bree knew Amy liked Niklaus, her father, she knew that her father liked her too, it had been obvious for centuries now, she was a vampire, she could hear pretty well and at night it became difficult to sleep also when there weren't parties around.
Everyone pretended they knew nothing because Klaus and Amy never spoke about it and that meant that they wanted to pretend they were having a secret love affair.
It was weird at first but then when you think about it it was inevitable because the two of them were the only ones who weren't blood related, and they were bound to the Always and Forever vow that bounded them to stick together always and forever.
She could have gone with any guy of the Mikaelsons for all that mattered, she was pretty and the other boys felt attracted to her and they all tried to have some of her love more than once but it was Klaus who stole her heart, it might have been his determination, his power lust, his love toward his daughter, his attachment to his family (even if he used a weird way to show it).. She wasn't sure why but she was sure she was in love.
It took Klaus more time to realise he was in love with his daughter's best friend, he spent years trying to deny his feelings for her but then she smiled and he had to start all over again.
One night he decided he was tired of fighting against his own feelings and once drunk enough to act but not enough to forget he kissed her and found himself surprised and glad at the same time that she kissed him back with no hesitation.
It was like she was waiting for that moment for ages.
Bree was officially the only one who knew their secret, the others had to pretend they were deaf and blind.
Amy knew they had to let them know they could stop pretending sooner or later, they couldn't play that game literally forever.
They would have but that day wasn't the day that would have happened.
"Amy.." it was Bree talking.
Bree came back to her father about a decade after Amy, the two of them have been away from Klaus for almost a century.
It had been strange. Fun for sure, but strange.
At the end Amy missed Klaus and left.
Bree was forced to shut off her emotions. For about ten years she lived la vida loca, alone.
At the end she realised she lived an empty life and that she missed her family, as much as a messed up family it was her family and it was time she came home and forgive Klaus.
She also missed Amy they had been away from each other before but never for more than a year or two.
Amy looked at her friend "Good evening, Bree."
"Hey, ehm, how are you?"
"Fine, I guess, you?"
"I am okay, but I have known you for how long? Seven hundred years? More? I know that face..I have just been with my father. He's been looking for you everywhere."
Amy's eyes lit up..Niklaus..He was looking for her everywhere.
Amy forgot she was sad because of him and started running toward Niklaus's room. "He's in the living rooom!" Bree screamed.
"Thank you!" She said running toward the opposite direction trying not to fall off her heels.
Nik was there sitting like a king on a red armchair drinking Bourbon.
"Nik! Niklaus! Bree..She told me you were here!"
"Amy!" Klaus smiled and reached her vampire-speed. The bottle of liquor he was drinking fell on the ground and a compelled girl went to clean immediately.
He wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her hard.
"Amy, my love! I missed you so much!" He'd say through the kisses.
"I missed you too, Klaus." She said almost without stopping to kiss him.
"Do you want go somewhere more comfortable?" he asked.
"Like where?" She asked smirking.
"How about..My room?"
"I don't know..Are women allowed in your room messier?"
Nik shook his head no "No milady"
"No? Not even one?"
"Mmh. Maybe one. Just one."
"Who? Who is this woman?"
"You my love. Only you."
"Oh really?"
"Mhmh" he said nodding and smiling.
"Let's go then."
Klaus held her like a bride and took her to his room, he laid her on his bed, the white silk sheets were soft beneath her unlike Klaus over her.
He was rough and eager and tired of waiting, he started taking off the layers that were too much and caressed her hair, kissed her belly button, her stomach, her breasts, her neck, gave her pleasure, bit her neck and finally kissed her on the mouth as she took off his shirt, and his pants, he kissed her with more passion and she grabbed his hair, she rolled over, it was her turn to give him pleasure.
Bree heard moans from her room, she smiled, Father and Amy deserved each other.

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