|That Damn Night|

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Bree woke up in the middle of the night screaming.
The nightmare was hunting her since the night that it happened, the reason why she would transform into a werewolf every full moon night, the reason why she felt like the monster she became.
Elijah was awake and heard someone screaming, he recognised his niece's voice and so he ran there, what happened? was someone trying to hurt her? who could be against a 18 years old?
Luckily no one was there except for Bree who was looking outside the window, the nightsky was clean, there were no clouds and the stars were shining bright, he looked at the moon where Bree was looking, it looked calm but he knew it wasnt.
"Hey, I heard you screaming, whats wrong?"
"Ah, Elijah, its you."
"yeah soo do you wanna share what happened? sharing always helps."
Bree nodded, she knew that, her mother would always tell her that sharing bad experiences would make you feel better, stronger and less alone.
It took her a few minutes to talk again though, she had to find the words to tell the story right, with no misunderstandings.
"Okay so a few months ago Amara and I went to a party, it was our dear friend Lisa's 18th birthday, she was the first in our group who turned 18, her parents allowed her to throw a party while they were gone for a business trip in New York. Lisa was so happy about it, she couldnt believe it, her parents are really strict but since it was her 18th birthday they thought it was a cool idea to let the daughter celebrate as she prefered.
Anyways Amara and I arrived at Lisa's place, well dressed as she asked us to do, everyone was elegant even though the party itself was the opposite, it was fun, like a teenager's party was supposed to be, her older sister went home from college to celebrate and as she is 21 she bought the alcohol for us.
Soon everyone got drunk and we decided to play truth or dare, I dont remember much of it, what I remembet though is when it was my turn to ask someone 'truth or dare?' and I asked Lisa. 'dare' she said giggling.
Now Lisa has a pool in her backyard and I remember that when we used to be 15 or 16 and it was summer we'd go on the roof and jump in the pool, it was fun and refreshing, what I didnt think of is that we were sober when we did that unlike when we were playing that game..and so I said 'I dare you to jump in the pool from the roof' I was drunk and I didnt know what I was doing but I swear, if only I could go back in time and change it I would..Anyways Lisa smiled 'what a dare, making me do the thing I like the most..but okay, I'll do that.'
She got up and so did everyone else..Everyone went around the edges of the pool and Lisa went on the roof, she looked down as we were calling her name to get her to jump, it was getting cold and it was taking her too much time.
She jumped in the end but it didnt go as planned, she lost balance and she fell on the ground, the impact was bad enough to make her die.
She died in the worst of ways but above all she died because of me."
A tear went down her face, Elijah knew how she felt, guilty for something that she didnt do, as an instinct he hugged her and looked at her in the eyes "you know it wasnt your fault right?"
"thats not what the nature decided, the following night it was full moon night and that night I transformed into a werewolf for the first time."
"The nature is not always right, you know?"
Bree wasnt exactly sure her uncle was right but she smiled anyway.
That made her feel a lot better.
"Thanks Elijah."
"whenever you need me, you know where to find me."
"thanks..Can I ask you something?"
"of course."
"I wanna go back to sleep but Im too scared to have the nightmare again, can you manipulate my mind and make me dream of something cool? whatever you want as long as its not scary."
"Of course.."
Bree went back under the blankets and closed her eyes, Elijah touched her cheek and Bree dreamnt of Lisa smiling and telling her that she didnt blame her for her death.
Bree smiled.
That was the last night she had a nightmare, she couldnt know why, but was happy about it, little did she know that her uncle secretly entered her room and manipulatedc her dreams in order to get her not having nightmares ever again.
hey guys!
hope you guys liked this one!
I think that Elijah is too sweet..
Anyways I see the views growing but no votes or comments yet..
I need feedbacks guys even negative ones, just dont be rude
ila xox 💕
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