|Becoming a Vampire|

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Amara and her mother worked on the spell all night long, they could channel the power of the full moon.
As they prepared everything Bree thought about her life how she grew up to a violent father, a non caring mother, loneliness..She remembered of a day when she was five or six years old and her mother asked her "so what do you want to do when you grow up?"
"the princess" her dad was there too and both her parents laughed at her "the princess" they mocked her "you will never be a princess, you have to be more realistic, honey" her mother rebuked her, the little Bree started crying and her dad slapped her "crying is for the weaks."
"oh will you learn? go to your room and think about your future, stupid little girl, and remember that you were born here, so Im sorry but you wont ever be a princess."
'I wont ever be a princess uh? look at me now, Im the most powerful creature in the world and Im about to become even more powerful thanks to my friend, Im a princess now, my dad, my real dad is the king of New Orleans and look at you, one killed by my father, and the other too scared to come and see me. pathetic.' she thought.
In that moment she realized how much she missed in life: loving parents, summer vacations, family trips, dreams..
That made her stronger, so it was true 'what doesnt kill you makes you stronger'.
Amara entered her room and laid an arm on her shoulders, Bree looked at her and smiled, they were ready to start.
"what were you thinking about?"
"my old life."
"oh..Im glad it changed, you look so much happier now."
"that's because my best friend is living with me."
"yeah and Im about to turn you into a monster."
"the most beautiful one."
"yeah, I'll give you that..well we should get going, the moon is high in the sky.."
"so we're going to do all that outside?"
"yeah, we would be more connected to the earth and the nature and that would make everything easier."
"Okay then."
"are you nervous?"
"a little bit, but I trust you."
"you better."
As they arrived outside Bree noticed how much official the place looked, all the lighted candles, the erbs around the shrine, Amara's mother was wearing the most beautiful dress she'd ever seen and Amara did too, how couldnt she have noticed before?
She felt out of place in her black mini skirt and white top.
Klaus and Elijah were not allowed to assist, vampires made spells difficult.
"Bree, Amara, quick."
the two walked faster and once there Bree was told to sit straight on the shrine, a cup filled with a dark liquid was next to her "that is coke, I know you like it, we will mix your blood in it because you need to drink magical blood, Esther used doppelganger blood but we dont have a doppelganger here but your blood is better, So Im asking you to cut your wrist and let your blood pour in the cup..you will be cured once you'll become a vampire."
Amara's mom said handing her a silver blade "the silver purifies the blood." she explained, Bree nodded and grabbed the blade, with a quick movement she cut her wrist and let her blood pour into the cup.
Amara's mom stirred the mix with the silver blade and Bree drank it, it tasted like coke but she could still taste the blood, she didnt mind though, blood was going to be her diet from that night on.
"well done my dear, now please lay down and close your eyes as we pronounce the spell..It might hurt in the end..But dont worry about that, all you have to worry about is to find your way back to your body once you are in the other side, you understand?"
"good, dont worry you will know what to do once there..Good luck my dear."
With a snap of the fingers she fell asleep and Amara and her mother started pronouncing words that didnt make sense to a human ear.
After a few minutes Bree felt a cold thing in her chest right where her heart was.
Seven seconds later she found herself looking at her body, her friend and her mother pronouncing a few words that she could not understand "and now, we wait."
Bree wondered around trying to get to her body but something wouldn't let her, she got scared 'what if I cant get in?' she asked herself..
it was impossible because she could still feel the connection to it.
Maybe she just had to wait. To kill the time she just started singing to her favorite song in that moment.
"..Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars, I could really use a wish right now, wish right now, wish right nowww.." yeah it was her favorite song even if it was from 2010 and considered like an "old" song.
"I wish you'd shut up, slut." someone said from behind her, that voice...
Bree turned her head and yeah she was in danger..Mikael was there.
The one she was escaping from was there before her.
Before she could do anything Mikael got her and tried to choke her but what she thanks to her not so beloved dad is that she knew how to escape, she managed to kick him in the balls very hard, that got her a few seconds to run away, she found a dagger on the ground that she could use to defend herself.
It had been an hour since the spell began, Klaus thought to see his beautiful daughter inside but he didnt, he decided to go outside and see what was happening.
Bree, his princess was lying there lifeless, with a dagger in her chest, blood on her white top, the witches calm and silent around her, Klaus lost it all.
"We know, everything is going as planned, she's taking a little longer to come back to life, that's true, we dont know what its happening there but we do know she's still alive, we feel her connection to this earth."
Klaus didnt listen to a sigle word they said and didnt bother to answer, he held his daughter's hand and talked to her, sure that she could hear him, he wished he could hear her aswell but things on the other side for some reason didnt work that way, it was the only thing he could not control.
Bree knew she couldnt win alone against Mikael, not without the full control of her powers at least but she could get herself an advantage, Mikael obviously underrated her abilities and so she could act a little before hurting him really bad.
Even though her father's words were so sweet and lovely they were a distraction so she just did her best to not listen and focus on staying alive.
"that wont do anything to me, slut."
"we'll see."
he laughed and she took that as an opportunity to throw her weapon at him, it stabbed him in his side and he screamed in pain, she ran to her body and touched it.
Bree opened her eyes, glad to finally be back in earth, she hugged her dad who had red eyes, as if he cried, but maybe she was just imagining things..She just came back to life, after being almost killed by Mikael, the vampire who hunted vampires..It was possible that she was imaginating things.
Anyways that was the last thing she worried about.
She was thirsty, she needed blood, her dad noticed it and knew how bad that felt so he quickly brought her inside and went to the cellar where he kept his blood.
When she was finally full she told them what happened while she was in the other side.
Everyone was more scared than before but at least they knew what to expect.
Amara made Bree a daylight ring and then they spent the rest of the night thinking of how they were going to do once out of all that mess.
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ila xox💕
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