Maybe this could work...

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      CHAPTER 9

      Demi's POV

In walked a girl slightly taller than me with brown hair and blonde highlights. Electric green eyes that were mischevious and daring. Yet they held the same darkness that i knew mine had. I immediately felt bad for judging her so much. 

    Jessica's POV

I threw open the door and strutted into my room. Yes MY room. Sitting on the unused bed was a girl, about 5' 2" with brown hair and bangs. She jumped up at my arrival and smiled at me. I could tell it was a smile that was showing cracks normal people couldn't see. She looked me up and down finally landing on my eyes. "Hi, I'm Demi" She said brightly... I just kept this girl waiting for over an hour. Why the hell is she being so nice to me..? "Uhh hey i'm Jessica, Sorry i kept you waiting.. i got a little distracted." She giggled and said "Oh that's okay!, I was just um, unpacking!" "Would you like some help?" i asked, trying to remember my 'manners'. "Sure" She said smiling again. Soon, I had learned alot of about her, and she was one of the first people i had ever opened up to. Demi was the type of girl you wanted to be friends with. Her smile lit up the room. Even if it was a fake one. 

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