The view

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Demis POV

" I hope you don't mind climbing"

I looked down at my feet, sneakers. I smiled up at her "Not at all" and began to pull myself up. Soon, We had gotte to the top and i was out of breath. Above me, Jessica swung from the trees like a fucking monkey. I have no idea how she does it. Soon she came zipping down the tree and sat next to me. "Nearly there!" Her green eyes were alive with excitment. Yet still laced with a darkness i couldn't figure out. "You said that an hour ago!" I complained. "Nope, i said were almost there. This time we're NEARLY there!" She grinned mischeviously and walked on. 

Jessica's POV

Soon, we reached the peak of the cliff, right at the borders of Timberline Knolls. A beautiful sight. The sun was setting over the clear blue lake and we had a perfect view. I looked at Demi, "We're Hereee" I laughed as a look of awe came upon her face. "That was so worth it!" She said smiling. "I found this place my second week here, Since then every couple of weeks i would skip all of my afternoon appointments and come here for a while." I told her. relishing the view. "I mean, i got in trouble of course, but it is always worth it, I've never taken anyone up here before. Not even Nicole." 

Demi's POV

This place is amazing. I've been to alot of countries but nothing compares to this. No paparazzi to stalk me, no fans asking for autographs, Pure peace and quiet. I love it. I can understand why Jessica didn't want anyone knowing about this place. "Who's Nicole?" I asked. "She was my bestfriend here, The first one who accepted me here. While all the other girls were whispering about me, She plopped her tray right down and said 'Who the hell are you?' Jessica laughed as if remembering that day. "What happened to her?" "She uhm, She got better. And left me in this hell hole. We keep in touch sometimes. but i havent spoken to her in a while." Her expression got sadder. "Im sorry" I said to her. "It's okay, Im kind of used to it." That one sentence broke my heart, I pulled her into the most real hug i had every given anyone in my entire life. She held me like a lifeline, and i was perfectly okay with that. Once we had pulled away I looked at her, "So, tell me about yourself." Jessica sighed. As if getting ready for a long story...

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