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Jessica's POV

I ran out of the room and out to the grounds. Past the pavilion and the gazebo, and out to the start of the forest. Only Demi would know where to find me. Soon, she did. I heard her footsteps crunching the leaves as she walked towards my hiding spot behind a huge rock, "Jess?" She called. I stayed quiet, the crunching got louder and she rounded the corner of the rock and saw me. "Oh Jess." I could tell that I looked a mess. My hair had leaves in it and I was sweating and crying. She sat next to me and pulled me into a hug. I sobbed into her shoulder. They can't take Demi away from me. They can't. The sheer thought of it threw me into a panic, and I started to shake in Demi's arms. She dropped her hold on me as I started to hyperventilate. "Jessica?" She asked, confused. I put my head in my hands and sobbed harder, trying to block out the thoughts of Demi leaving me. "Jessica what's wrong?" Demi said, with more force this time. I took a shuddering breath, "P-p-panic A-a-attack." I managed to get out. Demi wrapped her arms around me, and rubbed my back. "Breath Jess." She whispered in my ear, "Match your breathing with mine and try to slow your heartbeat." She pulled my head to her chest and I heard her thumping, even, heartbeat. I tried to calm myself, and after a while, my breathing evened out, and my sobs reduced to trickles down my cheeks. I pulled away, and allowed Demi to wipe my tears. "What triggered it?" I sighed, exhausted. "T-They're gonna take y-you away from me." I whimpered, "Oh Jess, that's not gonna happen." She pulled me into another hug, "I won't let them."


Demi got her release date. It's in two weeks. January 15th. Mine was inconclusive.

Needless to say, there was certainly A LOT of crying. Demi kept asking when mine was, but the doctors wouldn't give her an answer. They said that I was refusing progress, which wasn't true. I just hated the people here, Demi was helping me when the doctors couldn't. I don't know what I'm supposed to when she leaves. I tried not to think about it, because I already had three panic attacks since they told her yesterday. But the doctors don't know about those. Only Demi does. She's the only one who can calm me down from them.


Two weeks have flown by, Demi's leaving today. I've been trying to stay strong for her, and not show how much I need her all week long, but today I can't stop the tears. Demi couldn't either. We were both messes by lunchtime, because she was leaving just before dinner. We spent the next hour packing up her stuff and remembering things about her stay here, how I hated her at first. How she really didn't want a roommate. Her falling, A LOT. Me laughing at her, A LOT. We were having so much fun, I didn't even notice another hour go by. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. A lady poked her head in and Demi and I fell silent. "Demi, your family is here." Demi nodded, and turned back to me. I could feel my anxiety rising. "Hey" Demi took my head in her hands. "I need you to do something for me." I nodded and she held my gaze with here eyes. "I need you to get out of here. You can't become a lifer." A lifer is a term we used for people who had given up hope and stayed here until they we're sent to a retirement home. "I need you to Stay Strong, and accept the help you're given. Utilize you're time here, because it is so worth it Jessica. I'm actually happy, and you can be too. Promise me that you'll try. Not just bullshit and go through the motions but actually try to get better. Please." I nodded, motivation pumped through me. "I promise." I can't kick this eating disorder's ass. Tears ran down both of our faces as Demi pulled me into a final hug. "I'll come back for you Jess. I promise, I'll be there when you walk out of those doors for the last time." I nodded. "I love you." "I love you too Demi." She kissed my forehead, and walked out of the door.


Okay! So yeah I'm so so so so so sorry for not updating, but I just have had MAJOR writers block. But yeah I'm trying to juggle four fan fictions at once and it's just really hard but I'm trying!

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