Chapter 2 - Party

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While me and Greyson were on our way to go to the party and while we were walking up the stairs. There were acouple of other werewolves  were staring at me. I slowly look at Greyson, scared and so i tensed up and tightened my grip on his arm. He looked at me with his ice glowing blue eyes. I kept my head down and followed while i felt my natural brown hair touch my back, my grey eyes wandering upon all of the werewolves, i take a deep breath and keep walking with Greyson until we get to the royal part of the side of the whole entire party.

I tried my hardest to not make eye contact and there was a guy. he reminded me of him, he was there. Greyson snapped me out of my thoughts by saying "Layah?" i look up to Greyson and smile slightly "i'm terribly sorry but hello everyone, it's..uh.. a pleasure to meet you all, i am Layah Owens and i am.. uhm...uh.. Greyson's mate.". The guy that i was looking at was smirking and he got up and walked over to me and smiled and said "i'm Isaacs Grey, can i get you a drink?" i stare at him and smile "sure, i wouldn't mind it i guess.". I feel Greyson's grip tighten around my waist and i look at him and he gives me a death glare but i ignore it and pull away from his grip and walk with Issac.

Everyone at the party stared at me with mean and some of the wolves had smiles on their faces unlike most. Following Isaac to get a drink from the bartender, i bumped into a quite handsome looking guy with dark chocolate brown hair and ice blue eyes and i smile while he gives me a smirk and winks at me. Issac standing there and awkwardly clearing his throat "Eh-hem.. uhm.. Layah weren't we going to get a drink?" I giggle and look at Isaac
I sit there and smile at Issac and i say " Sorry for walking into you, as for Issac, im sorry we should go and get a drink". I smile at both of them and grab Issac's hand to help up from the fall and at the sensation of our hands interwinding, Greyson was watching me the entire time. Uh oh, Greyson growls at the sight of me and Issac and i look at Issac and then Greyson, Isaac smiling as he pulls me close to his chest and kissing my neck, the feeling of it, I let out a tiny moan and Greyson roars at Isaacs sudden actions towards me, while running straight for him.

Isaac growls as he stands his ground. Greyson lunging at Isaac and growling at Issac while he gets on top of him, Greyson's father, Christopher roar and growl filling the whole room with his roar. I look at Greyson I think to myself as I look at everyone in my thoughts 'i caused this... I didn't mean to...I should of stayed with Greyson...' My eyes tear up at my actions I've made, feeling embarrassed and ashamed as i run to the door and open it and run back to me and Greyson's quarters of the mansion. After 5 minutes passed by Greyson arrives at the room looking around for me.He spots me standing there, he comes to me before he could come any closer i put my hand out for him to stop.

He does stop but his eyes well up with tears then he drops to his knees and looks at me "I'm sorry, i didn't mean to scare you or anything to make you feel that way, it was just Issac! His action's made my blood boil! You're mine! but i am not angry i am in pain! My own brother of the pack betrayed me by doing that to you! especially my mate! Our future Luna! I'm so sorry Layah please forgive me..." his whine from his wolf i could hear it? Weird. I look at him with a tear falling down my cheek and i lean down to eye level with him "No one could ever take me away from you. You're mine and I'm yours. I should of pushed him away but i couldn't.. one more move for me and i could have broke my wrist...I love you.. i know it is too early to say it but i do.. and i understand that you feel that way about me... i would risk my life for you because i care and love you. Absolutely no one can ever make me feel the way you make me feel." i look at him in the eyes as he leans in and kisses me and i pull him closer as he grabs my thighs and picks me up and takes me to the bedroom and leads kisses all over my body, the feeling of him. I feel his touch disconnect with my body, he takes a step back and looks at me " I can't do this... You're not ready yet, I can sense it on you.."
I look down and look at Greyson feeling unwanted and I get up and walk to the closet to get pyjamas and I go to the bathroom and start the shower and take off my dress and put it gently into the dirty clothes and my underwear and bra. As I get into the shower I stand there thinking about why he stopped all of these thoughts rushing through my mind 'does he love me?' Or 'he doesn't like me in that way' all of those types of thoughts as I wash my body and hair after I did what I had to do to clean myself, I shut off the shower and grab my towel and open the door hoping he was gone but he wasn't he stood there and said "listen Babygirl... I'm sorry, I just want your permission before I actually do it because it's killing me not able to mark you yet because you know after I mark you, you turn and then after one week has passed you have to shift and I'll help you go through it, but I'm really sorry, you need to give me permission to do it or else I can't." I stare at him and walk to the closet and change into my pyjamas and walk out "uhm.. Maybe tomorrow or I'll tell you when I'm ready to..." I walk over to the bed and get comfortable and I wait for Greyson to come lay down and he looks at me "alright I understand" he walks over to the closet and comes back out with only his boxers on as I check him from head to toe, everything on him was so perfect his toned abs and his biceps and everything was perfect. He comes over and lays down as he kisses my forehead "goodnight princess" I look at him "goodnight my love" and we doze off to sleep.

Hello readers, I'm sorry about how short the chapters are and I'll be post the next chapter in a while but i promise the next chapter will be good and long hoping but don't Forget to

Bye love you all!

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