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Ira walked with strong wide steps behind her catch. She pushed his staggering body forward over twigs and leaves.

As they approached the camp, the man lifted his head and stared in wonder at the tall wooden walls, The Grand Entrance with its torches flickering and licking the sky.

"What is this place?" He marvelled.

"This, male, is my home."

They walked up to the gate, and Ira slammed her fist on the wooden beam. A small square opened in front of them. Dark brow eyes regarded them intensely.

Ira pushed her face forward,

"Open up Alanna. I found something in the jungle."

The dark eyes blinked, slowly and calculatingly. Then the square slammed shut and the Grand Entrance creaked to life.

The big wooden doors slowly opened and Ira charged through with her prisoner.

Alanna was standing by the side of the gate as it started to close again. Her skin was dark and her hair was a frizzy mess. She was no older than 15, but she held her head like she ruled the world.

Ira dipped her head slightly in thanks, then turned for the Queen's palace.

Inside the walls was a bustling city. Women went around their daily lives, little children played and ran around. Weapons were hung on racks and animal skins were hanging out to dry. Different groups of women sat around small fires. Pairs of women practiced their fighting on each other, slashing and jabbing with their spears furiously.

Some people bowed their heads as Ira walked by, others stared at her and her new catch.

They entered a section of jungle, and suddenly all the sounds from the people and the children were cut off. They disappeared into the deafening silence. Torches lit up the path that swerved and swayed into the darkness.

They turned a corner and a grand Palace loomed into view. Dusty stone steps led up to a large door. Plants grew over everything, climbing up the walls, reaching towards the sunlight and away from the hot, wet air. An uncomfortable feeling seeped in through the man's skin.

Two women bearing spears flanked the door. Ira addressed them,

"I wish to speak to my Queen." The guards obeyed her without hesitation, but they regarded the prisoner with disgust.

Ira pushed her catch forward and into the palace.

Their footsteps echoed on the cold stone floor, dust spiralled through the air. Flickering torches did little to light up the room and the fresh air from the open doors seemed reluctant to enter.

"My Queen." Ira's words bounced off the walls. She pushed her catch and he fell, grunting as his knees made contact with the stone floor. "I caught a male wandering in the jungle."

A pale shape moved in the darkness, and approached them.

He took a sharp intake of breath when he saw the Queen. He was expecting a sick looking old woman. But he couldn't have been more wrong.

The Queen's hair was as black as onyx and it cascaded down her back and across her shoulders like a waterfall, small beads and delicate silver trinkets rested on her forehead and wound around locks of glossy hair.

Her skin was pale and smooth, her chest rose and fell hypnotically with every breath and her fingertips brushed against the silk flowing from her snow white dress. A delicate silver chain hung around her waist as a belt, strands of delicate metal intertwined and twisted around each other. She held her head high. Her eyes twinkled as if she knew a dark secret about you that you didn't, and she seemed to find it very amusing. He stared up into her eyes, they seemed to turn a different colour the more he looked at them. Grey. Blue. Green. Black. Grey-blue. Green-Black. Grey-blue-green-black.

The corner of her mouth turned up slightly into an amused smile.

"Well done my dear." Her voice reminded him of a cool breeze on a sunny day. "He shall be a fine specimen for our bearers. He will produce real warriors"

"Actually, My Queen, I wanted to ask for your permission to train him as my own." Ira ventured, she kept her eyes set on the Queen's.

"You wish to keep him for yourself?" The Queen regarded the man by her feet.

"Stand up boy." The Queen commanded, her tone was calm, but it would take a madman to disobey it.

He rose steadily.

The Queen walked slowly around him. An uneasy feeling crept up his neck. He shivered.

She put her face close to his, their noses almost touching. Her calculating eyes stared deeply into his. Grey-blue-green-black dove into the dark blue of the ocean.

She turned to Ira.

"He is one of the best males we have. It would give me much pleasure to hand him to you, but think on this, he would produce many fine children for our bearers, and remember, you may never be with child as long as you are part of the hunt. You are my best warrior and I need you to stay as you are. But in the end it is your decision."

Ira regarded the man once more.

"I understand perfectly well. My decision remains the same."

"Very well." The Queen nodded. "Train him well."

"Of course My Queen." She bowed her head low and he did the same.

Then Ira placed her hand on her catch's arm and steered him out of the palace and they walked down the steps.

"You are mine now. I will train you to become brave and to fight. You will do as I say without hesitation and you will not question me. Is that understood?" Ira stated.


They walked to the end of the path and it opened again into the busy village. Women turned and stared at him. Inspecting him like they would a piece of meat at the butchers. Ira walked beside him, her head held high. Suddenly he got the feeling that Ira was parading him around, showing off her 'catch'.

Ira led him to a quieter part of the camp. Uniform wooden sheds stood in lines, opposite them was a small clearing with a rack of weapons.

"This will be your house." She gestured to the first wooden shed, "And that," she pointed to the clearing, "will be your training ground. Those are the weapons you will train with. You are never to enter any other house except this one and under no circumstances do you leave your training ground with a weapon. If you do any of these you will be punished severely. Understood?" He nodded, "Good. Now I must give you your name-"

"My name? My name is-" He started to say.

"No!" She erupted, "You will mention your name to no one! Whatever life you had before is gone, that includes your name."

He looked at her and he saw the slightest bit of sympathy in her eyes. When she spoke again, her tone was softer.

"You are called Jett now, ok?"

He nodded,

"Jett." He tried the name out. He nodded again.

Ira smiled slightly.

"We start training at sunrise tomorrow. Make sure you are awake." Then she turned and strode off.

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