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The insects buzzed around them, the hot air was gone and the cool night breeze was blowing against their goose bumped skin. They drifted in and out of consciousness. Their bodies ached, their shoulders hurt incessantly.

Ira felt a soft hand around her wrist, a warm body against hers. She craved the contact, the security. The flat of a cold blade pressed itself against her wrist and she woke immediately.

Someone was standing beside her, a knife in their hand. Ira jolted back and began to shout, trying to warn Jett. A hand made its way over Ira's mouth and she was shushed frantically. Ira realised with a start that the person next to her was the woman she'd seen leaning against the building the day before. Her eyes were wide as she attempted to quieten Ira.

"I'm trying to help you." She whispered, Ira kept kicking, shaking her head to release her mouth from the woman's hand. Jett awoke and began to protest. Suddenly, Ira dropped. A jolt of pain ran up from her ankle, she fell to her knees onto the ground, her shoulders burst with a renewed wave of pain at being back in their normal position. She looked up towards Jett. The woman started cutting away at the rope holding him up, he landed on his feet when he dropped, stumbling, gasping from the pain. Kinzie awoke slightly, her eyes were half closed and her head swayed, she was groaning incoherently. She was cut free and Jett caught her, scooping her into his arms, her head lolled onto his shoulder. The woman approached the two of them, unsure of what to do. Her head buzzed with anticipation.

"Why are you helping us?" Ira asked, her voice low and gravelly.

"It's not right, what they're doing to you. It's disgusting." She whispered, her expression was stony.

"What's your name?" Jett asked. The woman hesitated.

"Cooper." She replied finally.

"First name." He clarified.

"Sasha. Sasha Cooper."

"Come back with us." Jett stated suddenly.

"What? No way. We don't know her." Ira protested in a harsh whisper.

"She saved us Ira, and they will find out. We leave her here, they'll kill her."

"What they do with her is not our concern."

"Don't worry about me. I can take care of myself." Ira looked over at Sasha. Her eyes were bright with determination and courage.

"I don't doubt that." Ira murmured, she paused then looked back at Jett. "You see? She doesn't need us."

"Ira." Jett's voice reverberated through Ira. She sighed in defeat, she was too tired to put a fight. "Besides, you won't get far on your own with that ankle, and I can't carry both you and Kinzie."

Ira looked towards Sasha, her eyes shone in the moonlight, Ira remembered the feeling of safety when she'd felt Sasha next to her. With one nod, she wrapped her arm around Ira's waist and they set off into the jungle, following the barely visible tracks into the darkness.

They made slow progress through the jungle. Ira limped, supported by Sasha, Jett followed behind, Kinzie's body getting heavier with every step. They were forced to double back on themselves multiple times, attempting to make their path unknown if the soldiers were to try and follow their steps. They even got lost a few times, the undiscovered parts of the dense jungle around them all looked the same, the black of the night disorientating them.

Finally, the large, wooden gates of The Grand Entrance emerged from the trees, looming over them. Sasha gasped. Ira hobbled forward and slammed her palm weakly onto the door. The grate slid open and Alanna's almond eyes appeared. She saw Ira's exhausted and sagging face and her eyes widened, the gates opened immediately. The group stumbled through.

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