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She crouched down in the undergrowth, like a cat, her eyes focused on her target, her hand placed on her dagger.

She set down her spear soundlessly next to her, and prepared herself.

He was stumbling aimlessly through the jungle, dripping with sweat. He tore of his camouflage jacket and carelessly threw it on the ground. His eyes had a wild, terrified look in them, his breaths were rasping.

He came to a swaying stop just next to her in the bushes. As he looked around, she acted.

She leapt on top of  him, tackling him to the ground as he shouted in alarm. She expertly manoeuvred herself on top of him, with her hand on his mouth to silence him and her dagger pressed firmly on his windpipe.

He stared in terror at her as she leaned her face towards his, scrutinisingly.

"Who are you?" She whispered harshly.

"N-no one! I-I-" He muffled between her fingers, but she clamped her hand down firmly once more.

"Sshhhh!!" She looked around furtively. Then she pulled the man up, and stepped behind him, her knife still in position. She pushed him forward.

"What are you doing?" He asked , his tone was harsh but she could tell he was masking his fear.

"What I am doing is not for you to know, all you have to do, is follow."

He came to an abrupt stop. "Keep moving." She growled. But he stood firm.

"Not until you tell me what your going to do to me." She was silent for a second, and then she placed her mouth next to his ear, pressed the blade firmer on his throat, and whispered,

"I'm in charge here, I think thats obvious from the fact that my knife is up against your throat. One false movement on your part, one swift movement on mine. Got it? Now. Move."

"But how do I know if dying here is better than going wherever you're taking me."

"You have courage, for a man." She admitted. She said 'man' like it was the most disgusting word in the world. "Fight me, if you win, I let you go. If I win, you come with me, no arguments."

He could not see her face, so he couldn't be sure if this was some kind of trick, it probably was but he didn't really have a choice. Get slaughtered now, go without a fight to wherever he was being taken, or fight for his freedom.


She paused for a moment, then she lifted her blade off his throat. He exhaled in relief. He turned to face his opponent.

She was beautiful. Her skin was coppery, her blonde hair sun-kissed, she had an athletic body, and stunning green eyes that were alive with fierce energy.

He was strong. The Queen would be very pleased if she brought him back. He had floppy blonde hair that stood out against his tanned skin, he was lean and muscular, with muscles bulging out of his arms and from under his dripping wet vest. A thin layer of grime and dust had settled on his skin.

"Ready?" She asked. He nodded curtly, and they charged at each other.
As he reached for her torso she leapt up onto his shoulders, and twisted around. He fell and she jumped on him again. But he retaliated. He pushed her off and got to his feet, but before he knew what was happening, he was hit with swift kick in the head. He fell to the ground, dazed. 

She looked over him and smirked.

"One point to me. Now get up, before I change my mind and kill you now."

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