Aries: Stilettos
Taurus: Flip Flops
Gemini: A shoe made of nails
Cancer: Nike tennis shoes
Leo: Birkenstocks
Virgo: Crocs
Libra: The shoes of the man you just killed...
Scorpio: Clogs
Sagittarius: Converse
Capricorn: socks w/ sandals
Aquarius: Slippers
Pisces: Barefoot
Your Typical Zodiac Signs
AléatoireLearn more about your typical Saggitarius, Taurus, Virgo, Leo, Libra, Scorpio, Pisces, Capricorn, Aries, Gemini, and Aquarius! There is more to the 12 unique zodiac signs than you think! I give all the credit to @BNCBookClubC for this awesome new co...
The Zodiac Signs as Footwear
Aries: Stilettos
Taurus: Flip Flops
Gemini: A shoe made of nails
Cancer: Nike tennis shoes
Leo: Birkenstocks
Virgo: Crocs
Libra: The shoes of the man you just killed...
Scorpio: Clogs
Sagittarius: Converse
Capricorn: socks w/ sandals
Aquarius: Slippers
Pisces: Barefoot