part five ;; P E P E R O D A Y

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welp, here i am again.
back at the pepero day game.
in complete honesty, this video was possibly the third ToppDogg video i ever watched.
and i have seen it maybe a hundred times since.
give or take.
but anyways, i think the question most people ask when they see this video for the first time; why?
why play this game when it will obviously make you look gayer than a fucking rainbow on steroids?
probably because they are gayer than that ( besides the maknaes, who were the only ones repulsed by this game ).
(( especially yano. did you see him fighting back? ))
((( me too yano, me too. )))
(((( actually not really i would cut off my own foot if it meant i could kiss gohn but that is not the point of this book ))))
the pepero day game is pretty important to this fanbase because it is a lot of fun and it shows the members true colors ( red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple ), and just how dorky they really are.
i also think the pepero day game is where JJ couple was first spotted ( correct me if im wrong ), so yeah that's pretty important too

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