part twelve ;; what i would say to the members of topp dogg

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p-goon : r u my jeans bc ur riPPED

sangdo : awe, you're such a teddy bear! but at the same time, sHIT GDOMMIDAT F U C K YOU'RE ATTRACTIVE

a-tom : better back the fuck up before you get smacked the fuck up

b-joo : WOOOOOW!

hansol : Teach me how to be cute

jenissi : hi mom i missed you

hojoon : federaroche amirite.

yano : thanks again for riPpInG My HeArt oUt wiTh ThAt MoNSTeR cOvEr

xero : listen up shin jiho teach me yo goddamn selca angle rite now

nakta : finally, someone taller than me

kidoh : still touching lips with other men i see

seogoong : are you gonna share that sandwich?

gohn : ur gonna miss me when im gohn lmao

i'm drunk :)

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