|Failing 🥥|

64 3 1

Jreymönd Ty Sànders ✴️

" I want you guys to go online and check your current grades" The teacher spoke.

"I'm excited, if I do good Mama said we going out to eat " Nîylah smiled sounding like a little ass kid.

Her ass always eating or talking about eating.

"Shut up" Quay told her from the other side of me.

"wasn't talking to you, I hope your elf ass is failing too" she mugged him.

I shook my head and pulled up my grades on the school website.

Sanders , Jreymond

Pre-calc: D

Chemistry: C+

World History and Geography: C

Art 112: A

Gym: A

English 111: D

Spanish 2: C+

Damn, with these grades I don't know if I'll be able to play in the next game...

I know I should've studied for the English test lastnight when we all got back but I went to at bed at Niy's anyways, it could've at least brought the grade up to a C.

I don't know what the hell had been wrong with me lately I've been so busy with Practice and work and making time to spend with Niy that school had been on the back burner.

speaking of Niy when she sees these grades she's gonna rip my head off my damn shoulders. I instantly shut the computer before she could see and leaned back in my seat.

"welp, nothing new all A's and two B's food here I come" Niy smiled and danced around in her seat.

"so how'd you do baby ?" Niy asked reaching for my laptop. I grabbed her hand swiftly placing a kiss on it causing her to blush.

"They weren't there it said it was an error so I have to stay back and talk with Mr. Alma about it after class." I lied.

"I guess, that's weird cause everyone else can see their stuff " she shrugged and gave me a look.

When the dismissal bell rang I did stay back only to discuss ways to bring my grades up, Mr. A said he would schedule me after school classes with all my subjects with extra credit work and projects to bring my grades up starting next week.

I nodded agreeing before he handed me my late pass to my next class, I would do anything to bring up these grades.


Nîylah Ja'nae Säntiago 🍍

Nîylah Ja'nae Säntiago 🍍

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