lupus impetum

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Raven sat in her tent, late at night tinkering with the wires, in attempts to avoid sleep. Whenever Raven closed her eyes and tried to relax all she saw was Finn's face, dull and cold looking, and blood dripping from his chest and onto Clarke's hands. And whenever she woke up, sweat smeared across her face and her chest rising quickly and anger boiling within her. 

So in result of her bloody nightmares, Raven stayed up at night and tinkered with things in her tent. She messed with useless things, often creating a spark that would shake her from falling asleep. And the lack of sleep has been getting to her. Dark bags under her eyes and being "Out' of it quite often and her lack of focus in need, and passing out in even in the simplest of duties. 

So Clarke ordered someone to watch her sleep. Which at first disgusted Raven, anything from Clarke angered her. Whether it was help or a simple command resulted in Raven snapping and losing her cool. So nightly someone would come into her tent and watch her sleep, and be there when she woke up from her nightmares. Sometimes it was Jasper, sometimes it was Bellamy or Murphy. And often it was Clarke, who sat there and observed her sleep. And Clarke would wrap her arms around Raven when she woke up with tears running down her cheeks and sweat beading at her forehead. 

"It's okay.. It's okay" Clarke would whisper while Raven tried to calm herself 

After Raven would regain some control over herself she would push Clarke away. This was her fault if Clarke never killed Finn, she wouldn't be having the damn sleep issues in the first place. 

This night Raven had enough of the sleep watchers, so she threatened to shock anyone who walked into her tent. Happily no one came through her tent, all though Murphy sat on the opposite side of the door and spoke to her. Which was a normal thing for them to do, oddly Raven slightly forgave Murphy for shooting her. Still she was bitter every time she caught a glance of the brace tightly wrapped around her left leg. 

"Raven you should get some sleep. You're really stupid without it" said Murphy simply, and Raven rolled her eyes from where she sat messing around with wires once again. 

"You sleep a lot and you aren't getting any smarter" called back Raven 

"Ah. That's because I reached the full level of smartness" said Murphy, he then yawned quite loudly. 

"Murphy go to sleep" said Raven

"I fell asleep quite a while ago Rey Ass. Don't flatter yourself and think I would stay up to the crack of dawn to hear you mutter curses while you play around with toys" said Murphy while he slowly got up 

"Screw you" said Raven with a sly smile 

"Night. Please let something attack you tonight" said Murphy while he walked back to his tent 

Raven rolled her eyes and continued to tinker with the wires wrapping around her fingers. 

Only hours later Murphy's joke became real.. Raven was continuing to snap in and out of sleep, her eyes were sunken and the purple of her eyes stood out more than ever before. 

Raven heard creaks behind her. She turned her head, and instantly a large and dark paw covered her mouth, preventing her from screaming. Raven tried biting the hand with all of her might, but it didn't seem to provoke any type of reaction.. So Raven reached over the table and quickly rubbed two wires together and shoved them into the wolf creature's chest. 





Even came from the beast. Except its eyes narrowed and anger flamed across its face. The creature raised its hand and swiped it across Raven's upper arm. Her eyes flew open and muffled screams escaped her mouth. 

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