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Raven had fell asleep, and Clarke was next to her the whole time. Holding her hand and catching any sweat that dropped off of her brow, she shook and mumbled in her sleep but never awoke screaming and crying as she did before. Just now she seemed to be nervous or anxious, she wasn't mumbling about Finn or cursing Clarke for his death. 

The door quietly creaked behind her, Clarke turned her head to face the person who came into the ward so late in the night, Bellamy gently slid through the door, Jasper and Monty followed after him, then Octavia slipped through after the others.

"Jesus Clarke", Octavia walked up to Raven and her features softened as she saw all of Raven's injuries, her left side of her face was purplish from when she fell to the ground, and cuts and scrapes covered her used to be flawless soft skin. 

Octavia gently brushed her hand alongside Raven's arm, focusing on the rising in her chest. 

"Why is she so shaky?" asked Monty, he bit his lower lip and swayed farther from Raven's battered body on the table and got closer to Jasper, who comforted his nervous friend 

"She has nightmares. Ever since Finn died, well at least thats what I think started it" answered Clarke as she picked at her fingers 

"Well Raven always had the worst luck" said Jasper, his face showed empathy, as he understood waking up in the middle of the night with sweat dripping off of his forehead and wanting to scream but afraid he would awake Monty. So he would sit there and rock back and forth on his sleeping bag, he would try to shake away the thoughts of Maya's red face that was covered in boils, unlike other dead bodies. She wasn't cold, she was boiling hot. His fingers would sting from touching her rough cheeks.

Before they knew it, they all pulled up chairs next to Clarke and one by one seemed to pass out. Their eyes closed and slowly slumped in their chair. Bellamy let Clarke fall asleep, he knew how long she had been up. So he sat and watched Raven sleep, and like Clarke he held her hand and wiped the sweat off of her forehead. 

When Raven awoke, Clarke still sat there but three empty chairs were beside her, her mouth was dry and was begging for water. 

She looked to her left, a table stood with a cup of water, Raven stretched her arm but her fingers barely grazed the plastic. She groaned in frustration and tried once again, but she accidentally leaned too far onto her left side, and hissed in pain as her body crushed her left arm. Which then awoke Clarke, who's eyes darted all over the room. 

"Don't move" ordered Clarke, her face showed obvious annoyance, she gently pulled Raven from her left side onto her back. "What did you want"

"Water, I'm thirsty", Raven weakly pointed towards the water but Clarke picked it up before she could do any other movements and gently pressed the cup to Raven's lips. 

"Who else came?" asked Raven, after the cup was pulled away from her lips and sat back down at the table. Her hand pointed to the three empty chairs

"Bellamy, Monty, Jasper and Octavia came to check up on you" replied Clarke as she began to change Raven's bandages 

Raven remained silent, as her guilt began to swallow her up once again. She couldn't imagine those blue eyes becoming so dull, and her warm skin quickly becoming ice cold, she couldn't get the warm sensation of blood running down her fingers out of her mind. And that voice just reminding her that she did that to Clarke, she murdered her, she stabbed her just in cruel revenge. 

"Well I changed everything, no sign of infection, but I still want you to stay here for a couple of more days" said Clarke with a reassuring smile 

"Clarke, the camp needs me now. I can't wait that long to just lay here, I have a list of requests from the campers on my desk that could wrap around this whole damn planet" argued Raven 

"Then the campers can wait a little while longer, because you're not getting out of this bed" ordered Clarke, a stubborn look took place of her reassuring grins and smiles 

"Well it looks like she just fucked up your plans

Raven ignored the voice and focused on arguing with Clarke. In the end Clarke won, but Raven wouldn't listen, she would force someone to move her desk here and bring along her tools and her large writing board, which was scrawled with complex math equations and messy theories in the corners. 

Raven waited till someone swung that door open, and when it did she was glad to see it was someone she could convince easily. 

Monty had a small smile when he greeted Raven, and it turned to a disappointed frown when he heard Raven's request; 

"I need you to do me a favor", and before Monty could reply Raven started again, "I just need you to bring some tools and some of my notes and all the broken walkie talkies that everyone has been complaining about" 

"You know, I came in here to visit you. And here you are asking me for a favor" said Monty 

"Come on" pleaded Raven, "I know work is getting heavy on you. And I can hear Wick complaining from here" 

"And if Clarke catches me?" implied Monty

"She won't, if you go now" explained Raven, a mischievous grin spreading across her face that warmed Monty, he was glad to see that Raven was "Still" Raven and she was still her sarcastic and troublesome self.

"I'm just doing this because I'm barely getting any sleep nowadays and I know you can fix that" said Monty as he pointed his fingers at Raven, he gave a small grin before he left out the door. 

Before she knew it, Monty came through the doors with notes and tools in his left hand, and in his right he carried a multiple walkie talkies. 

"My savior" kidded Raven with a grin 

"If you don't mind me. I'm going off to get myself some sleep", Monty was quickly out of the room and left Raven alone with the voice that no one else could hear. 

"So tell me about yourself

Raven kept on working, she had more important things to do than listen to this damn hallucination in her head. 

"Oh come on Ace

Raven shut her eyes and focused on what she had at her hands, some of the walkie talkies had broken down and Abby and Kane had been breathing down her neck ever since. 

"Fine be a bitch

Raven slammed down the screwdriver in frustration, she tried to think and tried to focus. But the voice seemed to be sucking away her focus and her eyesight and hearing being even more sensitive wasn't helping either. 

The sounds of her feet rubbing against the cloth sounded nearly a loud as a gunshot, her eyes focused on one thing for so long everything else became a blur. And eventually her eyes would ache and would need to take a break from working on the radios.

"So the ultra focused senses bothering ya?

"Hurts like hell", Raven had her eyes closed and tried to stay as silent as possible, trying not to move her feet or even let her fingers rub the cloth. 

"You'll get used to em

"And when is that?" asked Raven, she hated talking to this voice but she felt like doing anything if it would relieve her damn pissy senses 

"Depends on the person

Raven groaned in response, she wanted to flip the pillow over her head but she knew that would cause immense pain so instead just curled her fists in anger and frustration. 

"Don't get pissy Ace, it's a bonus when you can use it right

 [     I really feel like I write Raven out of character. But If you enjoyed this chapter, do please vote for it :)     ]

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