The Leaky Cauldron

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Addie and Hermione couldn't go to the Burrow until the last day of the holidays. Because Mr Weasley won a lot of prize money and took his whole Family to Egypt for the holidays to see his oldest son Bill. They came back on the morning on the last day of the holidays and were staying at the Leaky Cauldron. So Mrs Granger dropped Addie and Hermione there with their trunks & Brain. She reminded them of the extra money from their birthday before leaving.

Hermione told Addie how she was going to get her own pet. But couldn't decide between an owl or a cat. Whereas Addie decided to but a book on dragons called: Dragon Species of Great Britain and Ireland. Hogwarts had a copy in their library, but she wanted her own copy. After she brought her school stuff she went back to the Leaky Cauldron to hang out with the twins. While Hermione searched for Harry in Diagon Alley with Ron.

Fred and George have just finished telling Addie about their trip to Egypt. Even gave her a charm bracelet with two charms on them. One was a pyramid and the other was a Marten. They then talked about the murderer Sirius Black, that had escaped Azkaban. Addie and Hermione were spending the last day of the school holidays with the Weasleys. So Hermione, Ginny and Addie were having a sleep over in one of the rooms. It saved them money on rooms and would also be a lot of fun.

Later Addie was getting her sisters and her new school robes. Hermione had gone to the pet store to get her some more owl snacks for Brian as well as get her own pet. They agreed to meet at the ice-cream store. But when they meet up at the ice-cream store, Hermione had big ginger cat with her called Crookshanks. She explained how he'd attacked Ron and Addie laughed. Addie hugged Harry while Hermione gave Ron his forgotten rat tonic. Before they all return to the Leaky Cauldron.

Percy meet them first followed by the twins who pretended to be refined British men. Amusing both Addie and Ginny who'd appeared with Brian. Mrs Weasley told them to knock it off and gave Harry a hug. Before they all sat as the long table for dinner.

Addie didn't think Brian would like Crookshanks at first. But they got along well and Addie enjoyed watching him (Crookshanks) chase Ron's rat around the 'Leaky Cauldron'. Fred, George and Ginny liked him to and were always playing with him or giving treats. Brian loved his new treats and would of eaten the whole packet. If Addie hadn't stopped him.

Harry then told everyone what happened and how he ended up at the Leaky Cauldron. Addie, Fred, and George laughed when they heard he blow up his Aunt Marge. In turn the Weasleys spoke of their trip to Egypt with Ron showing Harry the newspaper clip of them there. Ron ended up moving into Harry's room as his was getting annoyed at sharing with Percy. The twins had their own room and now Percy has a room all to himself. Mr and Mrs Weasley had their own room.

When Harry went down to collect Ron's rat tonic from the dinning room. He overheard Mr Weasley arguing with Mrs Weasley. As he listened he heard that Sirius Black was mad and had escaped prison to come after him. Harry grabbed the rat tonic and went back to his room to see Ron already asleep. So he decided to tell his friends tomorrow on the train.

Addie told Hermione and Ginny how she believes she's mastered how to turn into an animagus. Hermione tells her to be careful and Ginny asks if she had any idea of what she'd turn into. So Addie explains how a patronus takes the form of an animal based on the conjurers personality. Also that her corporeal patronus was a marten and that is most likely what her animagus form will be.


Picture of Crookshanks above and picture on the external link of Addie.

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