Private Lesson with Lupin

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As Addie entered the classroom she saw Professor Lupin grading papers. "Take a sit Addie" he said not looking up from the papers in front of him,  gesturing to the chair in front of his desk. That's want I like about Professor Lupin he calls everyone by there first name, treating them as all equals. Unlike the other professors who call us all by our last names. Addie thought as she sat in front of him and saw he was grading his first years test.

"Am sir, that answer is wrong. It is suppose to be that 'spiders flee before the Basilisk' not 'spiders bow before it'" Addie said. Then she looked up at him and said confused "I didn't know first years learned about Basilisks". She released it was a test for her to see if she would correct the mistake. "It was a test, wasn't it?" she asked wanting to confirm her theory.

Lupin chuckled and nodded his head saying "yes, it was nothing gets past you does it?" Addie was still confused and stayed quiet waiting for to continue. Which he did handing a few papers with questions on it. "I want you to answer these questions the best you can. Then I'll mark them and decide where to start. They aren't all just Defense Against the Dark Arts questions. There are some from a few of your other subjects as well. Do no worry I'm qualified to touch you about all the different subject in the test."

Addie nodded and answered all the questions, the majority of them she knew the answers to. Because of her extra studying in her secret room where she practiced spells not taught in any of her normal classes. Professor Lupin was impressed how quickly she did the test and that she got 95% of the questions right. Without studying, he is really interested in how accurately she described how an Animagus transforms.

When he asked her, she knew she could trust him to keep her secret. So she stood up and transformed into her marten form. He jumped out his seat surprised that the third year girl in front of him turned into a little marten. Addie ran over his table up his arm and around his shoulders before jumping to the ground. Where she changed back into human form and told him the same story she had told Sirius. How she had wanted to be able to turn into an animal like Professor McGonagall since her first year. So she study hard by herself and learned the Patronus charm along the way.

She then told him how she practiced her free time in her secret room, but didn't tell where the secret room is. That is how she learned most of the answers to the questions from reading books in there and even practicing a few of the more advice spells. Besides the Patronus charm and learning to become an Animagus. Lupin agreed to keep her secret as long as she didn't sneak out of school at night. She promised, secretly crossing her fingers in her head.

After they were done practicing a few of the spells she has been trying to learn on her own. They talked about which days to do her lessons. Because he was going to teach Harry the Patronus charm as well. Addie said she would like to help him teach Harry and Lupin accepted her help.

Once she left Professor Lupin went to show Dumbledore her test results. But he didn't tell him anything about being an Animagus. Dumbledore was impressed and contemplated putting her in a higher year level. He decided to talk to her about it tomorrow after her lessons. Meanwhile Addie went to Moaning Myrtle's bathroom and once she knew she'd left. She headed to Gryffindor tower.

Addie went back to the common room where she saw Harry, Hermione and Ron by the fireplace. As she walked up to them to say 'hello'. She heard them talking about Sirius Black. She hadn't told any of them about knowing Sirius. Because she promised she wouldn't tell anyone and she hated being around them as they bad mouthed him.

So she went over to Fred and George instead to see want they were doing. They were busy trying to perfect a lolly that would make someone sick and then cure them. Addie said hello as she sat next to Fred this time. The two greeted her happily and asked if she knew a cure to stop someone from vomiting. She told them the cure and wrote down how to make it along with the ingredients and handed it to them.

They went to dinner together after that and Addie got some more food to give Sirius. When George noticed her taking the food, he asked her why. She lied saying it was for Brian and Crookshanks. When she got back to  the common room after dinner alone. She wrote a letter to Sirius and sent it to him using Brian with some more food/water. Before heading to her room and falling onto her bed going to sleep. Exhausted after the long day she had had, not bothering to change her clothes.

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