Sirius's Letters

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As Addie and Harry left Lupin's office after trying to convince he to stay. They went to the great hall to eat lunch. When they walked in and saw everyone at the Gryffindor table crowding around an open parcel. Addie heard Brian hooting angrily as he tried to keep them from touching a letter.

Once everyone saw Harry they ran over to the pair and asked where he got it from. Brian flew over with Addie's letter and landed on her shoulder. When they got to the table Addie was impressed when she saw a Firebolt. It was for Harry and their was only a grey feather with it.

Addie realized it was from Sirius and looked at the letter in her hand. She recognized Sirius's handing writing. As she followed everyone outside to see Harry use the Firebolt. When Addie knew no-one was watching. She opened the letter and read it, knowing Brian would let her know if someone came over to her. It said:

Dear Fur-ball,

I wanted to thank you for all your help this year. You gave me my freedom, a companion and a relationship with my godson. I can't ever repay you for that. But I put 150 gold galleons into your account at Gringotts. No you can't return it and I want you to know if you ever need anything. I'll be there. Please look after Harry and keep up the good work at school. I'll stay in touch, Brian knows where to find me if you ever need to talk. Tell Harry I said 'hi' and that Hedwig can find him so that we can stay in contact.

Yours sincerely,


P.s. Buckbeak is doing great, says 'hello' and loves being free as well

Addie giggled at the nicknames they had given each other. She was honored that he thought so highly of her. And was grateful for the money he put in her account. She decided to give half of it to the Weasley's anonymously.  

When Harry landed she told him that Sirius says hi and that Hedwig knows where to find him if ever wants to talk to him. She also told him to call him Snuffles when wrote to him. Harry thanked her and they all went inside to eat lunch. The next day they returned on the train.

Where Harry got a letter from Sirius and permission to visit Hogsmeade next year. A small owl delivered it and at the bottom of the letter it said Ron could have it. As it was Sirius's  fault he no longer had a pet. [Link to the letter:]. Ron was very happy especially when Crookshanks agreed it was definitely an owl by purring. Brian and Hedwig watched the little owl annoyed by it's constant hooting.

Addie then went to sit with the twins for the rest of the journey to Kings Cross station. Once nearly there she retrieved her trunk and Brian's cage. Then followed Hermione off the train when we pulled into the station. They said their goodbyes, Ron promising they'd go to the Quidditch World cup together during the summer. Harry promised to write every day before Addie spotted her and Hermione's parents . Once they reunited they left the station together.

The End


Picture above of Harry seeing the Firebolt and picture on the external link of Ron's new owl.

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