Meeting Sirius Black

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Using the time-turner Addie got from Professor McGonagall before the start of year feast. Hermione got one as well they both had a lot of subjects. However, Hermione had more then her younger twin sister as she had Divination and Muggle Studies. Where as Addie taking all the new subjects except for Muggle Studies. Addie used her time-turner so that she could go to her secret to continue practicing in becoming an Animagus. She was so close to perfecting it she could feel it.

When she got to the room she immediately started to practice the incantation, whilst the other her was in the dining hall eating dinner with the rest of the school. She thought of turning herself into an animal and something new happened. She felt free and something broke loss from with inside her. She closed her eyes as she fell to the ground in pain moaning quietly.

When she opened her eyes again she stood up. However, the room looked bigger for some reason and she found out way when she looked at her hands. Or should I say paws, they wear a dark brown in colour and had claws. She looked at the rest of her body and so that she had a tail and dark brown coloured belly. Along with a fawn coloured chest. That was when she released she had done it. She had turned into an animal, a marten to be precise. Just like her patronus.

Addie had decided to test her new form out by running around the school grounds and maybe the forest itself. So she changed back into her human form happy she still had her clothes on, and left the room. Everyone was still in the dining hall eating, so she walked straight out the door without being noticed.

(a few hours later)

Addie had been running for about two hours now and decided to return to the castle. But as she crossed the whopping willow she saw Crookshanks disappear into a hole at the base of the tree. She walked over still in her animal form with Brian flying next to her. As she wondered how the little cat got pass the swinging branches. Brian flew through the branches gracefully and landed on a knotted root at the bottom of the tree.

Suddenly the tree calmed down and stop swinging its branches. Addie walked forward cautiously afraid the tree would start to move again. But it didn't and when she got to the base of the tree next to Brian. She thanked him with a gentle nudge before sliding down the hole, with him flying after her.

Addie was glad her marten form could see in the dark better then her human eyes as she followed the tunnel to an old staircase. She climbed up it as Brian flew off to search the abandoned house. It was that Addie released she was in the Shrieking Shack in Hogsmeade. When she started down the hall something attacked her from behind trying to bite her.

She tried to get the attacker off, which turned out to be a giant black dog. As it was about to bite her down Brian attacked it. Addie changed back into her human form and grabbed her wand. "Brian move" she ordered her owl to move away from the dog. When he did the dog stopped attacking, when he saw the teenage girl pointing a wand at him.

Addie was about to knock it out when Crookshanks jumped in front of it hissing at her. She lowered her and wondered why her sisters cat was protecting the dog that tried to eat her. Then the dog suddenly changed into a man and not just any man. But Sirius Black the escaped murderer, as she went to raise her wand again he raised his hands in a friendly gesture.

"I mean you no harm" he told the scared in front of him as the owl landed on her shoulder. The cat was rubbing against Black's leg purring loudly. This confused Addie, she knew Crookshanks would never like a murderer.

"You tried to eat me" she snapped not lowering her wand.

"I'm hungry and thought you were a normal animal" he states.

"Start talking Black" she tells him and follows him to the sitting room. Once they got there they sat on opposite couches facing each other. Brian still on Addie's shoulder protectively and Crookshanks sitting on Black's lap as he gave his ears a rub. "There is no way Crookshanks, my sisters cat would trust you. Unless you were innocent of your crimes, so please explain yourself" Addie said as she calmed Brian down giving him a treat.

"So that's the cats name, Crookshanks" he tested it on his tongue. But when he saw the impatient look on the teens face. He told her everything, starting how James (Harry's father) and him were best friends. Along with Peter Pettigrew and Remus Lupin her professor. He asked if she knew want Lupin was and she nodded. Her sister and herself found out when Professor Snape set them an essay on werewolves. But promised each other to keep it a secret.

Sirius then told her how James, Peter and himself found about Lupin. And how they all learned to turn into animals to stay with and keep an eye him during the full moon. How James turns into a stag, himself into a dog and Peter into a rat. Then about how you-know-who was after Harry's family. How he convinced James to make Peter his secret keeper thinking the deatheaters would come after him and not Peter. When Voldemort came looking for them and how it was Peter who betrayed them and not him.

He then told how he corner Peter in a busy muggle street. Where he thought he blow himself up by miss using a spell. Then how he was sent to Azkaban, because no-one not even Lupin knew he wasn't the Potter's secret keeper. And that Peter shouted that he (Sirius) had betrayed the Potters.

He then took out a newspaper clipping and showed it to Addie. It was of when the Weasley's went to Egypt at the beginning of the summer. He then told her that Ron's rat Scabbers was in fact Peter Pettigrew. Addie believed him, because Crookshanks never seem to get on well with Scabbers and neither does Brian. Even though he (Crookshanks) got on just fine the other rats at the pet shop.

Black told how he escaped Azkaban in his dog form, because no-one (but Lupin) knew he was an Animagus. He wants to kill Pettigrew for want he did to Harry's parents. Crookshanks was helping him by trying to get Scabbers and giving him Neville's paper with the passwords to the common room from last week (when he went into Harry's room with a knife). Addie agreed to keep him a secret and to bring him a change of clothes and some proper food to eat.

Before she left Sirius asked about her being an Animagus. She told him how she saw Professor McGonagall turn into a cat during her first year at Hogwarts. It was then she wanted to be able to turn into an animal as well. And she had been teaching herself how and how to do a Patronus charm in a secret room.

They said goodnight as Addie changed back into a marten, promising to come tomorrow night with some food for him. Crookshanks and Brian followed her out. They went back to Gryffindor tower where Addie changed back into human form, and they all went to sleep. Addie was going to Hogsmeade the following day with the other third years.


That was her first time to Hogsmeade, the next chapter will be her first official visit. Picture above of Addie's animagus form.

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