Saving 2 Innocent Lives

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When Professor Dumbledore walked into the hospital wing. Harry, Hermione and Ron tried to convince of Sirius being innocent. Addie was sitting on a bed holding an ice pack to her fixed shoulder, to help reduce the swelling. She just listened as everyone talked wondering when she could leave.

However, when Dumbledore mention time. Addie got up and place her ice pack on the table next to her bed. As she got out her time-turner, Hermione put the chain of hers around Harry and herself. They both turned their time-turners back three times as Dumbledore had suggested and they went back in time.

When Hermione looked at the clock and ask where they were at 7:30. Harry said they were going to Hagrid's as he looked confused by what was happening. Addie just grabbed his arm told him they couldn't be seen and they ran through the hallway.

Once they got to the last hallway and Harry saw himself with Draco, his gang, Addie, Hermione and Ron. He said it wasn't normal, as Hermione explained the time-turner to him Addie kept watch. "Malfoy's coming go" she told the pair and they hid behind the wall. When their other selves went down to Hagrid's they followed quietly.

When Hermione said that Dumbledore was coming with the executioner and Minster for Magic. Addie was wondering why they weren't leaving and so the rock that had hit Harry in the head. Hermione did to and threw one that hit the vase. Addie rolled her eyes before throwing an other rock and it hit Harry in the back of the head. Harry said that had hurt and Addie apologized.

As their otherselves came towards the pumpkin patch. They ran and hid in the tree line of the forbidden forest. Hermione complained about the way her hair looked from the back as their other selves left. They moved back to the pumpkin patch and Harry tried to get Buckbeak to move. Addie noticed the ferrets Hagrid had used in their first lesson. She told Hermione who grabbed them and Buckbeak finally moved at the sight of food.

Once they were in the forest they left Buckbeak next to a tree with the dead ferrets. They went to the tree line and they watched as Harry and Hermione entered the hole at the bottom of the whopping willow. As Addie remembered want happened in their she turned away from the other two. No one had apologized yet for what they had said to her at the 'Shrieking Shack'.

As she wiped away a tear both Harry and Hermione pulled her into a hug apologizing for being mean to her. Harry let go and went back to watching the whopping willow, leaving the sisters alone. "I'm so sorry I didn't believe you and said those things. I didn't main any of it" Hermione said as she helped wipe away the remaining tears.

Suddenly bats flew through the trees and the teens turned around. Addie smiled and giggled when she saw Buckbeak catching passing bats. At least someone was having fun she thought. They turned back to the whopping willow as everyone, but Professor Snape came out.

When Harry and Hermione went down to the lake. Addie told them she would be waiting for them at at Flitwick's office to free Sirius. Once she got there she hid in the shadows of the room as a marten and waited for Sirius to arrive.

When he did and the teachers had left, Addie came out of hiding turning human again. She hugged him and when she saw the others coming on Buckbeak. She got out her wand and pointed it at the locked window yelling "Bombarda!" The window blasted opened and they went to greet the others.

As the others climbed onto Buckbeak Addie jumped off the building still holding her wand and yelled "Accio Nimbus!" The broom flew to her and she grabbed it pulling herself on to it. She looked up and saw the others flying towards her. Hermione glared at he, as Sirius and Harry looked gobsmacked. Addie just laughed at all their expressions and lead the way to a quiet court yard.

There they each said goodbye to Buckbeak and Sirius. As Sirius hoped onto Buckbeak he looked at the girls and said. "You truly are the brightest witches of your age. Stay out of trouble Addie and continue to be yourself." Then he flew off on Buckbeak's back and the others ran back to the hospital wing as the clock began to chime. After Addie shrunk her broom and placed it into her jacket pocket.

When they arrived they saw Dumbledore leaving the room, he sent them inside and locked the door. After they said they'd done it. Ron was complaining how they disappeared from in front of him and appeared at the door. Addie ignored him and went back to her bed. She placed her ice pack back on her shoulder, as Madam Pomfrey came in from her office.

As she was checking Ron's leg after she had given them all some chocolate. They heard hurried footsteps leading to the room. They then heard people yelling at the door, before Dumbledore, Snape and the Minster of Magic entered the room. Snape accused the students of helping Sirius Black escape.

They acted that they didn't know what he was talking about and put a confused look on their faces. Madam Pomfrey said they didn't leave the room. Because the door was locked and she had been with them since Dumbledore had left. As Snape and the minster left with Dumbledore, Madam Pomfrey told the students it was time to go to sleep. Addie removed her ice-pack and lied down on her good side (the one that was injured) and fell into a peaceful sleep.


Video above of them saving Sirius.

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