20. The Flu

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Thanksgiving break passed by on a whim. We visited our grandmother. She made some awesome curry. She used to live in India before moving back here, so the curry she made was delicious.

We also stopped by our paternal grandparent's house. It got really awkward when we saw dad again, but we got over it. Afterwards, we went back to Riverside and Trey went back to college or the police academy or whatever he called it.

I forgot to tell Maggie and Emma that Caleb was the one who pushed me off the pool, so Maggie had a real big fight with Sophie. I had to go apologize to Sophie about Maggie since my BFF was too prideful to apologize.

I wasn't feeling too good, so I let Sophie go when she started talking trash about me. That was only in the morning. Class hadn't even started yet.

I coughed and shivered. I felt cold and hot at the same time. I sluggishly walked to class. I took my seat and rested my head on my arms. I really wasn't feeling good.

"Hey, Nicole!" Alex came in enthusiastically and took a seat next to me.

I groaned. "Alex. Please, not today."

"Why? Are you okay?" He sounded concerned, so I didn't think he was mocking me.

I shuddered. "I'm perfectly fine."

"You sure don't look fine," he studied me. "Your face is flushed and you look like you've been running a marathon."

I touched my forehead. It didn't seem hot. Maybe I had a slight fever. My throat did hurt a bit and I had a mild headache.

"I'll be okay," I smiled. I sneezed. Great. I must have caught a cold.

"You've caught a cold," Alex stated.

"Wow, congratulations on being so observant," I said sarcastically. "I'm fine, so just stop bothering me."

"Fine, but only because you aren't in top condition," he grinned. "It really wouldn't be fair if I succeed when you're so vulnerable."

I rolled my eyes, but didn't argue. I didn't feel like constantly talking.

I felt dizzy and I seriously thought I was going to faint, but I got through the day just fine. Mr. Stilton let me sit out of PE because he thought I, quote on quote, "look like crap".

I barely had an appetite, so Roger took my sandwich. My strength was gone. I must have been awfully sick since I kept coughing and sneezing. I really did not feel like riding my bike. If only someone could take me on their car.

I asked Joey, but he had detention after school with Sam for pulling some prank on Mrs. Williams, so he couldn't take me unless I waited till then.

Maggie had to go home early since her cousin came for a visit from Japan. Apparently, she's a hotshot model who succeeded in the entertainment industry in Japan, so Maggie had to leave right after lunch if she wanted to spend some time with her.

Emma didn't have a car and she was in the cheerleading club, so she had to go to today's game. That left me and my miserable self here all alone.

I went back in the school to see if there was anyone who could take me home. I found Roger in the art room. I went over to him curiously.

"Roger?" I said. "You're still in class?"

Roger looked up and beamed at me. "Yeah. What do you think?"

I looked at the easel. Whoa. He had drawn a picture of the beach. Tree branches covered part of the beach and it seemed as if I was looking out a window.

"That," I pointed at it. "Is amazing. Are you going to paint it?"

Roger nodded. "I like to spend my time here alone to think. Art really helps me clear my head."

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