Chapter 8

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*Soona's POV*

I woke up the next day hoping it would go better. It's been ages since I had any dream. Maybe, I get tired everyday doing nothing. I hop out off my bed and went to bath.

I ate my breakfast and my brother offered to drop me at school. I accepted his offer, atleast I could make him feel better this way.

We were walking side by side with my left hand looped around his right arm. I personally think he is my first boyfriend. Haha XD. Just kidding.

"Do you want me to break their bones?" He asked me chuckling. Well, atleast that's what I thought, but his reaction was serious.

"Don't you do anything like that" I growled back. "But still.......fine" he sighed knowing that he can't win arguing with me.

We came near the school's gate. He looked around bobbing his head with hands in his pocket. "Can I come inside?" He asked me with his puppy eyes, but obviously it is a fail. Cuteness is a far away definition from my brother. When he tries to be cute, I either puke or laugh depending on the situation.

I gave him a death glare, causing him to pout. "It's okay, I'll go to my school then" he said trying to act cool. I nodded my head while smiling.

I came inside the classroom and all of their gazes were upon me. Suddenly they burst into laughter. I was shooting gazes upon the whole classroom as to why they are laughing at me. I went to my seat still not knowing the reason for their laughter.

Someone came and sat on my desk. I lifted my head to see Kai smiling at me. "Hey moonpie" he greeted. The whole class once again burst into fits of laughter. My eyes once again widened and my gaze finally fell on Baekhyun. He was smirking at me with his so-called EXO band.

"Moo--" Kai began but thankfully the bell rang cutting him off midsentence. It's my first time feeling grateful for the morning bell. Kai groaned and went to his seat and so do the others. If I had chance to stab Baekhyun, I would.

I hate this day. Everyone are calling me moonpie. This is the name only my brother is allowed to call. But I am grateful that I rarely can see EXO. Except during class times. But what can they do then, when teacher is around. But I should be careful. What if they tricked me.

It's lunch time now. Like yesterday I went to the roof to eat my lunch. It was all quiet. I plugged my earphones and started to hear music. I was so into music that I didn't mind the surroundings. Someone poked me at the back. I jerked a little by the sudden mild attack.

I turned around only to see Kai smirking at me.I groaned, "What do you want?"

"I came to eat with you. This is how you treat your friends?" He pouted.

"Now what revenge?" I groaned again, continuing to eat my lunch as faster as I could. He smiled and sat beside me.

"How did you get the name, moonpie?" He asked while eating his lunch beside me.

"It's really not your concern" I snorted at him.

He examined my face. "Why? Are you afraid of me?"

I looked at the other side, so that he couldn't see my face. "I'm not afraid of you". Obviously, I'm afraid, you idiot.

"Actually, you should be thankful to D.O." He said.

I snorted, "Really? Thankful?"

"We were planning on revenge. But he told us to stop it" he told while bobbing his head.

"And why that so?" I asked and this time my face fully turning at him.

"Cause he told you had more than enough" he said.

"So does that mean I'm free from your revenge?" looking at him hopefully.

"Maybe in some sort of way. But-" he smirked at me before finishing his sentence.

"But....." I pleaded indirectly at him to continue.

"But I would rather not listen to him" he grinned evilly. He finished his lunch and stood up.

"And, don't you dare talk with him" he continued while me giving him a confused look. "He is only for me" he said while chuckling.

My eyes widened and I just blurted out, "Are you gay?" without my concern. He just shook his head and went downstairs.

Why did he say that to me?

The bell rang so I ran downstairs not to be late for my next class. As for my next class, it is English literature. Ms.Choi, my homeroom teacher, is teaching that. Her class was fun. She has a funny personality along with her pretty side. How charming!

There were last 10 minutes for the class to end. She told us to be silent for a moment as she has an important announcement to tell. We became silent and let her continued.

"So students, there will be project for you tomorrow. And basically, it will be like a tour programme. We are going to Chungjeon palace tomorrow, the full day. I specially asked permission from our school principal"

We yelled in excitement. Guess what, we would have collapsed the whole building with our pitch perfect.

"But don't forget it is a project. You should write your points of view in your sort of way. And most importantly,you should submit it day after tomorrow"

We all groaned at her words. We got a day to enjoy, and it turns out to be a homework. Literally, who loves it?

"Okay guys, enjoy tomorrow. Oh, and you can have an extra dress if you want, there is a river near that palace"

And with that the bell rung.


So, I mention once again, it's a fantasy story. *wink*

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