Chapter 1: A Fateful Meeting

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"Come on, Alexa!" Whitney, Alexa's best friend in the whole world, a girl she had met in dance class, tugged at her arm. "The show is gonna start soon and I wanna get a really good spot so I can see Soul Glow's face!"  

Alexa grimaced, wishing Whitney would just use their real names, to her the 'gangsta' names just sounded weird! But, she had promised Whitney she would go to this concert for what Whitney proclaimed, was the 'best band like, ever'. Internally, Alexa just laughed at her friend as Whitney mimed the guitarist, Alexa thought his name was Derek but she wasn't fully sure. Taking a deep breath, she asked again, "OK girl, do you wanna explain the whole names thing again?" 

Laughing, Whitney just said, "ask them yourself, they are right over there!" And so they were, as Alexa turned her head, she saw the blonde guy, the one who played guitar, coming over to them.  

Nudging Whitney, Alexa whispered "His name is Derek, right?" Whitney just smiled and nodded, having gone into fangirl mode as he approached. Alexa mentally laughed at her friend and turned to him when he got there and she said, "Hi there! My friend is a pretty big fan of you guys, so sorry if she makes a fool of herself!" 

Derek just laughed, and Alexa could see that he had a seemingly natural smile. He then said, "well, hello! My name is Derek, aka ChapStique, and I shred guitar in this awesome band called Family Force 5! What are y'all's names?" 

Giving herself a shake, Whitney recovered and introduced the girls, then asked, "Since my friend here hasn't heard you guys much, and she's not quite a fan yet, do ya think we could hang out for a bit?" Alexa could see her friend was barely breathing as she spoke to a member of her absolute favorite band, the one that almost covered her walls at home. "Please? Alexa is a really great dancer, and I know she'd just love to meet Xanadu!" 

ChapStique smiled and said "yeah come on over!" He then walked them back to where the rest of the guys were sitting. "Hey guys, these girls wanted to hang out for a while, cool?" Three of the guys nodded, being in a deep conversation. Alexa recognized the guy with the red streaks in his hair as one that Whitney loved talking about, apparently he enjoyed joking around and picking on his brother.  

The other guy, who had been on the phone, stood up and came over to them. Alexa was slightly scared of him, he looked like he could crush someone with ease! He came over, and said, "Hey gals, my name is Josh aka Fatty. Who are y'all?" As ChapStique made introductions, Alexa couldn't help but smile at his name, why would anyone pick their nickname to be Fatty? After ChapStique finished introducing the girls, Fatty called the other three guys over. "OK girls, this is my twin brother Jake, aka Crouton," he said, gesturing to the guy with the red streaks in his hair. 

Crouton interjected with a laugh, "but when I'm mad I call myself Wonton." Alexa couldn't help but think, man these two are NOT twins! They don't look anything alike!  

Fatty then continued, rolling his eyes at his twin. He gestured to the shorter man, who has the biggest chocolate brown eyes Alexa had ever seen, "This is our older brother, Solomon, aka Soul Glow Activatur. And this," Fatty then gestured to the tall guy on his right, who was wearing a headband around his forhead, "this is Nathan, aka NaDaddy." NaDaddy smiled warmly and held out his hand to shake theirs. Alexa immediately noticed the two solid black rings around his fingers, and wondered idly if the tattoos had hurt much, as she imagined they had.  

Smiling she shook his warm, firm hand. She then shook all the guys' hands, saying "It's really nice to meet all of you!"

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