Chapter 6 - Just a Dream

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Alexa woke with a start, her alarm ringing loudly in her ear. She quickly shut off the irritating thing and glanced at her phone, noting the date as she unlocked it to find multiple texts from Whitney about the concert they were attending that afternoon. That dream had seemed so real, she could almost FEEL the soreness in her ankle as she thought about it, and what Whitney would say if Alexa ever dared to tell her!

She smiled to herself, remembering the craziness she had dreamt. Alexa wondered if she had dreamt the band members' names right, and made a mental note to ask Whitney when they got there, just to ensure she didn't make a total fool of herself! Chuckling to herself at the dream, and how real it seemed, Alexa typed a quick reply to her friend, telling Whitney that she would be downstairs in just a few minutes.

Popping in the CD that Whitney had borrowed her, Alexa began to sway and dance as the beats from the band's second album hit her ears. The sounds of Dance or Die, the title track to the album, she noted, began to fill the room as she got dressed and ready and headed out to Whitney's car for Alexa's first Family Force 5 show.


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