Chapter 2: The Show and The Audition

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Alexa and Whitney headed into the show after meeting and hanging out with the guys. All Alexa could think about was that guitarist and how he seemed to be more personable than the other guys, a little less rough around the edges. All of a sudden she was jerked from her thoughts by Whitney's nudging on her arm and whispering, "There's Xanadu, the dancer setting up the drums! C'mon you GOTTA meet him!" Whitney started pulling Alexa towards the stage, almost dislocating her arm as she practially ran to the stage yelling "Xanadu!! Xanadu!!" 

The man slowly turned around and smiled. He walked over to the stage's edge and jumping down, met them at the barrier that would later separate the crowd from the stage. When they got there he held out his hand and said, "Hi! I'm John, aka Xanadu." Alexa couldn't help but notice his rather strange accent, she couldn't place it. It sounded sort of Southern like the other guys', but different somehow. She decided to call him John, it sounded more normal. John continued by asking the girls' names and such. 

"Well, my name is Whitney, and this is my best friend Alexa! She's a really great dancer like you! Only her parents won't let her try out for anything 'cuz they don't understand how great she is!" Whitney gushed on and on with the guy, as Alexa just stood there, somewhat mesmerized by his huge hair! It seemed to be almost three times the size of his head! 

"well, ladies, I really need to go finish getting ready for the show now, but we can talk after alright?" John/Xanadu turned to leave. "It was a pleasure meeting y'all." 

Whitney turned to Alexa, eyes full of exitement, "Did you hear that! He said he would love to see you dance sometime because he is looking to mentor someone if he is ever sick!" Startled, Alexa just stared. Whitney laughed and said, "You tuned ALL of that out didn't you? Girlie, you have to dance after the show for him and the guys and then they will decide if they will give you a job on tour to train to be a professional stage dancer!" 

Then the lights started dimming and smoke began to roll out as the band took the stage, the crowd around the stage screaming at the top of their lungs. Whitney screamed as the lead singer held up a dish towel as the music started. The rest of the show was a blur as Alexa was sucked into the stage antics, screaming along and jumping when he punched a button and smoke and confetti blasted into the air.  

Voices hoarse, and desperatly needing water, the girls left the stage as the crowd dissipated after the show. After they got bottles of water, Whitney led Alexa over to where they were to meet the guys and John. Alexa wondered where she would have to dance, and how she was gonna without any music, as she didn't see a CD player anywhere. She looked up from watching her foot flexing and pointing to see the blonde guitarist coming around the corner. He smiled and waved them to follow him. He led them down the hall to a small room with a single table with seven chairs at it, five of which were already full. ChapStique sat down, gestured to Whitney to take the last spot. Alexa stood awkwardly in the center of the room, waiting for instructions.  

The lead singer, whose name Alexa still could not remember, said, "OK we are gonna play you a track called Zombie, and lets see ya shake it! Don't hold back, just lace up them dancing shoes and kill it!" He hit play on the CD player in front of him, and Alexa quickly recognized the track as one that they had played that night. She smiled as she began to move, letting her training kick in and forgetting that they were all watching, she let loose. The track stopped too soon, and all five members of the band stood up and clapped. They then sat back down and huddled up along with the afro-man, whispering for several long minutes. Then the dancer, John, looked up and said one simple sentence that changed Alexa's future.  

"Do you accept the job?"

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